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Netflix & Books: Book Tag

Netflix and Books (3)

I don’t do a lot of book tags on here, but when I saw this one I just had to. No one technically tagged me to do this, but screw it! I’m doin’ it!

Netflix and Books was created by Christy & Lauren. They provide a list of prompts, and you answer with the book you think best relates to the prompt. I have changed some of the TV shows from the original prompts to fit my tastes, I also didn’t do every prompt, but I will list the original prompts at the end of this.

*I mixed it up a little because I wanted to also talk about the shows for a bit. So on each prompt, I explain why I chose that show for that prompt. I also loved the way Lauren formatted hers, so I copied that awesomeness. Did I use the word “prompt” enough in this intro?

Vampire Diaries deco-chevron-2 your ship sank or didn’t happen

Why I chose the show: Technically, my ship did happen but then it died (sort of literally, sort of figuratively). If you’re not caught up on this show, skip past this part to hear my thoughts on the book! —— I rooted for Elena and Damon from the beginning, so when they got together I was SO happy, but then it all comes crashing down when Nina Dobrev decides to leave the fucking show and “be figuratively dead”. UGH. So MAD.

damon go to hell scarlet

Why I chose the book: While reading Scarlet by Marissa Meyer, I was secretly hoping Cinder and Wolf would get together. For some reason, I just wasn’t sold on the Scarlet and Wolf romance — even though this is a Little Red Riding Hood retelling and it was inevitable, I just didn’t want it to happen. To me, Cinder and Wolf’s personalities just matched together better. Oh well…

There is another option I would have chosen for this and it rhymes with Sparkling. But I just wanted to pick something different xD

Doctor who deco-chevron-2 best cast of characters/friendships

Why I chose the show: I chose Doctor Who for this one because I think whoever the Doctor is and whoever the companions are, there is always a great relationship/friendship (even if the Doctor doesn’t really understand normal human interactions sometimes).

doctorwhobeers lotr

Why I chose the book: Because, really, come on? Does this really need an explanation?

lost deco-chevron-2 long series you loved

Why I chose the show: 6 seasons is long right? But also because it took so long to answer any questions if it answered any questions at all!

lostgif gotbook

Why I chose the book: I’m kind of cheating here because 1) I actually haven’t read a lot of “long” series, 2) I haven’t finished this series and 3) I’m actually not a huge fan of it — but wait, let me explain! So, I’m currently reading this series (I’m on book 3), but I watched the show first. I absolutely love the show but the books are just a little slow for me. However, seeing as the show is based on the world Martin has created, I’d say there is something about these books that keep me going. So, there, I guess that makes sense, right?

Gilmore girls deco-chevron-2 all the feels

Why I chose the show: If you watch Gilmore Girls, you can’t tell me you didn’t laugh, cry, get angry and ALL THE OTHER FEELS while watching it! Gilmore Girls had great writers that tackled all sorts of real subjects in a way that made this light show also make you feel a range of emotions.

gilmoregirls atotallyawkwardlovestory

Why I chose the book: A Totally Awkward Love Story by Tom Ellen and Lucy Ivison is just too. darn. cute. Ok, it didn’t make me cry, so technically not all the feels, but it was just actually so awkward — in a good way, though. There are scenes that you just want to (hypothetically) look away from. And there are other scenes that make you get that little butterfly feeling. On top of that, the fact that it is based on the authors’ actual romance together makes it just a bit more adorable.

Here is my review on this book!

How I Met Your Mother deco-chevron-2 bad ending

Why I chose the show: (Technically, this was the prompt, but I thought it fit) Okay, so I actually haven’t finished this series but I’ve been spoiled with the ending and WHAT THE HELL ?! That’s really the ending? I was so mad when I read about it!

himym belzhar

Why I chose the book: The ending of Belzhar by Meg Wolitzer was just bad. I was left feeling so disappointed and utterly gypped. I couldn’t believe that was the big reveal. I couldn’t believe that I read 300 pages to find out that was the huge freaking deal in Jam’s life. I couldn’t believe I read an entire book with a character who was named Jam, because frankly, it was distracting to imagine a freakin’ sandwich every time I read her name.

Here is my review for this book!

Pretty Little Liars deco-chevron-2 series that should have ended earlier

Why I chose the show: GUYS, come on. This show should have ended in the first season. As much as I loved this show (for the first few seasons) it started to become redundant and stupid. They should have called the cops from the beginning. Also, this new 5-year jump thing is just insane. They’re adults and are still acting like children.

pll cityofbones

Why I chose the book: I have such mixed feelings on this series. I really loved it when I read the first three, but I didn’t want to continue. I think the third book wrapped up the overall story really nicely that it didn’t need any more books. So, I never read the next three books. I also think that some of the new series she’s coming out with are somewhat of a money grab. I understand loving the world you create as an author, but at this point, it’s a little ridiculous.

Mad men deco-chevron-2 set in a different time period

Why I chose the show: Because it’s set in one of my favorite time periods! Also, it was just a really good show!

madmen vengeance road

Why I chose the book: Vengeance Road by Erin Bowman is such a fantastic read! A female lead who can kick some ass and fire a gun like a pro goes out on a mission to avenge her father? Yep. I loved everything about this book from the plot, to the characters, to the western dialect that the entire book is written in!

Here is my review for this book!

Dexter deco-chevron-2 couldn’t stop reading

Why I chose the show: My husband and I could not stop watching this show. We didn’t start watching it until it was put on Netflix and we were obsessed with it. We binged watched almost all of the seasons (because then we had to watch it live on TV — which is torture by the way [pun intended]).

dexter sixofcrows

Why I chose the book: If you know anything about me, you’d know that Leigh Bardugo is one of my favorite authors. She wowed me with The Grisha Trilogy but then completely blew me away with Six of Crows. I’m pretty sure I finished this one in a day — it was just too good.

Here is my review for this book!

Breaking Bad deco-chevron-2 favorite villain

Why I chose the show: You couldn’t not root for Walter White. The end.

iwon shadow

Why I chose the book: Shh… I know I already talked about a Bardugo book (I almost used her books three times in this tag, but I resisted). But, come on, the Darkling? He was a great villain, alright? He conned. He seduced. He manipulated. And somehow, he made people really root for his character?! I think that’s a pretty darn good villain.

I tag ANYONE reading this to do this. All of you are awesome & I don’t want to have to choose 😀

Here are ALL of the prompts:

  • It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia: unlikeable character(s)
  • Vampire Diaries: your ship sank or didn’t happen
  • Friends: best cast of characters/friendships
  • Gossip Girl: hate that you love or guilty pleasure
  • Doctor Who: long series you loved
  • Grey’s Anatomy: all the feels
  • How I Met Your Mother: bad ending
  • Supernatural: favorite paranormal/fantasy
  • Freaks & Geeks: left you wanting more
  • The OC: series that should have ended earlier
  • Girl Meets World: should have a spin-off
  • That 70’s Show: set in a different time period
  • Orange is the New Black: couldn’t stop reading
  • Parks and Recreation: made you laugh out loud
  • One Tree Hill: favorite book boyfriend
  • Breaking Bad: favorite villain
  • Modern Family: best family or parents


  • Reply ltlibrarian 07/05/2016 at 8:52 am

    OMG I share all your feelings about Pretty Little Liars and The Mortal Instruments. For the latter I stopped reading after the first 3 too. I thought it was done, and then there were more for whatever reason and I just couldn’t be bothered. But more importantly, PLL HAS A 5-YEAR TIME JUMP. Sigh. Everytime I think I’m done with that series I get sucked back in. I really love time jumps. I don’t even know why but I love them so much I now have to go watch PLL after work today… but damn if I don’t wish it had just ended already

    • Reply Molly 07/07/2016 at 7:08 pm

      hahah yes! Things just need to end early sometimes…. I honestly thought that was the end for TMI after book 3. I was like “wait, what? There are MORE books?” hahah xD I don’t mind time jumps but PLL is just a little too much now. It’s literally season one recycled….. :/ UGH. But Shay Mitchell is bae.

      • Reply Liselle @ Lunch-Time Librarian 07/08/2016 at 5:54 am

        I THOUGHT SO TOO. I finished and was like “well that was kind of a ‘meh’ ending, oh well”. Then like years later realized there was a fourth book out, which I did actually buy now that I’m thinking about it, then I got a few chapters is and was like “this is the same Jace and Clary BS” and didn’t bother. I’m not super surprised about PLL, I was gonna watch but I got distracted by Orange is the new Black, Shay Mitchell is a boss tho. Lucy Hale has grown on me because her hair is short and super cute now

        • Reply Molly 07/08/2016 at 12:45 pm

          hahahaha I actually didn’t even get far enough in book 4 to determine that. I only read the Simon chapter and was like “fuck it” xD And that’s okay about PLL, OITNB is better anyways….. ALSO YES. Lucy Hale’s hair is goals.

  • Reply Greg Hill 07/05/2016 at 10:22 am

    Lol about Game of Thrones. And Gilmore Girls- never seen it but I like that quote about the motorcycle! Pretty Little Liars- that show is just fun to rip on at this point. I mean seriously… and why did they jump 5 years? I’m behind on it so I don’t know, but yeah… kinda silly. 🙂

    • Reply Molly 07/07/2016 at 7:07 pm

      You should watch Gilmore Girls! I’m going to recommend that one FOREVER. It’s great. And yeah, we’ve ranted about PLL before — it’s just so…….UGH END ALREADY. I think this is the last season, though?

  • Reply Lauren 07/05/2016 at 10:57 am

    I love this! Thank you for participating <33

  • Reply Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog 07/05/2016 at 11:07 am

    So I haven’t read a lot of the books but I have watched some of the shows!! Yes Gilmore Girls gave me all the feels. HIMYM is the worst ending in the world. It almost made me mad that I ever watched the show and it was one of my favorites. Mad Men was amazing. I do want to watch Dexter but I heard that finale was awful so I have been putting it off!

    • Reply Molly 07/07/2016 at 7:06 pm

      I actually just watched Gilmore Girls last year and it’s easily one of my favorite shows ever and I don’t know how I waited so long haha. I know how HIMYM ends so I don’t really care about finishing it but at the same time, it is a funny show! At least it has that. And yay! A Mad Men fan! No one has made a comment about that one yet. I loved that show, although I still have the last season to watch so no spoilers xD Dexter is good. The ending is a bit…eh…but it’s still a great show so I do recommend it 🙂

  • Reply Denise @ The Bibliolater 07/05/2016 at 11:33 am

    I totally agree with you on HIMYM!! I was so annoyed at how it ended… like, it all built up to this one thing (who the mother was), yet… I won’t spoil it, but my sister and I both actually screamed at the TV when we found out!! I really need to watch Gilmore Girls too – the entire show has just been added to UK Netflix, so I’m hoping to binge it all during the summer! I really want to read Six of Crows in the summer too <3

    Denise | The Bibliolater

    • Reply Molly 07/07/2016 at 7:04 pm

      I do know how the mother is that’s why I didn’t continue xD HOW ANNOYING. I will say that it is a funny show, though. So at least it has that haha You definitely should watch Gilmore Girls asap. It’s so wonderful 😀 ALSO YES PLEASE READ SIX OF CROWS haha xD

  • Reply Tasya @ The Literary Huntress 07/05/2016 at 10:17 pm

    I also support Delena from the beginning (also support delena in the book) and I’m freaking bummed when Nina decided to leave the show. The Vampire Diaries is Damon/Elena/Stefan, it won’t be the same without Elena damn it. I might be the only person on this earth that haven’t watch Gilmore Girls xD I also haven’t watch the finale of HIMYM because I know how dissapointing that is and… well… just nope. And I really agree with you, TMI should’ve been a trilogy instead of 6 books saga. It just went downhill from there. I love GoT tv show, but I’m intimidated by the books xD The Darkling is also my favorite villain. Amazing answer Molly, I really agree with most of them 😀

    • Reply Molly 07/07/2016 at 7:03 pm

      OMG. I just got done telling Jordon about how we’re a rare group but LOOK you’re another Delena shipper!!! YASSSS. I’m so happy haha I haven’t read the books so I only have the show to go off of but either way, totally support them. I was super bummed when Nina left 🙁

      You should definitely watch Gilmore Girls! And no, you’re not the only one 🙂 I actually didn’t even watch it until last year! I fell in love with it and binged watched the whole thing haha xD

      Also, RIGHT?!?! (with TMI) I thought it was DONE at book three then …nope…there’s more… xD I started reading book 4 but I’m not a Simon fan and the beginning was all about him so I gave up lol

      The GoT books are very similar to the show (the first three at least). I find them really boring compared to the show, though :/ There’s a lot of extra detail to me that just doesn’t need to be there so meh.

  • Reply Jord (Simply Adrift) 07/06/2016 at 1:19 am

    I was definitely shipping Damon and Elena from the beginning of the Vampire Diaries as well. They had so much good chemistry! And I love it when a bad boy is turned kind of good because he falls in love with the right woman. I too was sad when Nina Dobrev decided to leave 🙁 To be honest I haven’t even finished the last season because it feels like it’s lacking something.

    I always thought Wolf and Scarlet’s romance was a bit of insta-love. They were kissing days after they had met and had hardly held a conversation. I wasn’t convinced really.

    I really wanted to start erading Game of Thrones but the first series of the tv show was identical nearly to the first book, and when I tried to read the first book I got bored because I knew what happened. I really hope I can read it at some point though! I love getting to watch the show and find out all of the shocking things with everyone else though!

    Gilmore Girls! I actually haven’t watched all of the seasons… I feel super left out about that. I think I want to watch all of the old season before watching the new special season 😀 Only have to find the time lol.

    Soo I tried watching the five years forward series for PLL but I got really bored. All of the charter relationships I had grown to love WERE BROKEN UP. I felt like I was trying to love new characters all over again and it was exhausting. And yeah, they could have ended PLL in season 2.

    I really want to watch Dexter, everyone RAVES about the show.

    Jordon @ Simply Adrift

    • Reply Molly 07/07/2016 at 6:59 pm

      AHHHHH YAAAAAAS! A Damon and Elena shipper! You know how rare we are? At least with the people I’ve talked to haha I did finish the last season but I agree, it’s missing something. I also was NEVER a fan of Caroline. She was SO annoying and now she’s a bigger player in the show so just…ugh.

      I’m glad someone relates with Scarlet 😀 It’s been a while since I read it so I don’t remember everything but I do remember feeling a bit meh about their romance.

      The first three books are pretty similar to the show. I ended up just listening to the audiobook because I can just visualize the show while doing other things. I’ve heard that after the third book that they start diverging from each other, though.

      OK. YOU NEED TO WATCH GILMORE GIRLS. LIKE YESTERDAY. Idk everything about the new special but you may HAVE to watch the old seasons before watching it to have it make sense. So you should definitely go do that 🙂

      I feel like the 5-year jump for PLL is just the same story recycled 5 years later…. and yeah ALL the couples were broken up with NO explanation. I mean, they do this little flashback crap to “reveal” things like freaking Lost, but it’s not the same… idk :/

      Dexter is great, so again, I highly recommend that one 😀

      • Reply Jord (Simply Adrift) 07/12/2016 at 5:51 am

        Haha aw no, I found her incredibly annoying in the first few seasons but since she became a vampire I started to like her. But I definitely don’t think she could carry the show or anything. I feel like even though all of the other characters are there still, they’re just not pulling the show off as well without Nina Dobrev. Although I feel like that’s because most of the first five seasons were centred around Elena’s romance and with whom etc. All of the other stuff centred around it kind of. Now that it’s gone, it’s kind of like the support beam has been wretched out from the story so everything else is slowly collapsing. Or I’m being reallyyy dramatic lol.

        I think I’m going to start Gilmore girls once I get back from travelling! I remember loving it a lot when the first seasons came out!

        It’s annoying that none of the couples survived in PLL. I feel like Hannah and Caleb should’ve at least! And Spencer and Toby?! Come on! They were so cute! Arghh it’s just too annoying. And you’re right this whole 5 years forward thing looks like it’s a recycled storyline.

        • Reply Molly 07/12/2016 at 10:46 pm

          Yeah, TVD definitely lost (what I think is) it’s most loved plot line — the Elena love triangle. So the show is suffering. It’s even moved to the Friday time slot (at least here it has). Which is usually not good. But we shall see!

          Let me know if you watch Gilmore Girls & let me know what you think about it.

          ALSO RIGHT. NONE SURVIVED. I also just REALLY want Aria and Ezra to just be together already. Like, I’m over this 8 year tension thingy. Just make it happen.

  • Reply Tina 07/06/2016 at 12:21 pm

    Oh I’m definitely doing this tag. I never did watch How I Met Your Mother but I heard the ending was a bad.

    I definitely agree I gave up on Pretty Little Liars a long time ago but I feel like everything could have been avoided ages ago if they had told someone.

    • Reply Molly 07/07/2016 at 6:54 pm

      Share a link to your post to me if you end up doing it! I’d love to read your responses 🙂

      I didn’t finish HIMYM but I know how it ends and just UGH. It’s still a funny show, especially the first few seasons, so if you want to watch it for quick comedy relief, I recommend it 🙂 As for PLL, I haven’t watched the latest episodes because just…..god…..end it already xD

  • Reply Alisha 07/17/2016 at 8:34 am

    Hahahaha I love all of your answers for this tag. (these might not be in order…)

    1 – HIMYM was super good up until the last season. I hated the last season. The whole thing was one weekend. Just all these crazy things that kept happening before.. someone and someone’s wedding. AND THEN THEY CHANGE THE ENDING ANYWAYS. Ugh. I refuse to rewatch the last season. Apparently if you buy the box set of the seasons there’s an alternate ending to the series, so idk man. NOT HAPPY. But watch everything up to the last season and you’ll be happy! lol. /rant

    2 – Delana vs Stelana. I’M TORN. Because from day one I was like STEFAN! I always like the cute boy who genuinely cares and does nice things. Because swoon. But then after all the Katherine drama was over and Damon was all lost and hurting I was like, awe DAMON. And then Stefan went all ripper and I felt for both of them but was still secretly rooting for Stefan. But Damon. Honestly it was pretty much a constant tug-of-war for who I liked more and was rooting for. I’m happy with her ending up with Damon, (although I dislike Stefan and Caroline together. At first I shipped it, and I used to LOVE Caroline, but it fell super flat for me. I preferred her with Klaus, honestly.) ANYWAYS, I just think it would have overall been super satisfying if they all just fucking loved each other. In a Savages (if you’ve seen that movie) sort of way. Because I genuinely think she was right for both of them. And they were both right for her. Anyways it doesn’t matte because fuck Nina Dobrev LOL. Have you read the books?

    3 – GILMORE GIRLS! Don’t unfriend me, I’ve only seen season one. But it’s amazing and it’s on netflix and I intend to binge watch it once I’m caught up on all my other shows! (are you still doing the Rory Gilmore reading challenge?)

    4 – I haven’t watched Dexter, but I’m taking it that I should?

    5 – PLL. I figured out where I left off, and I’m on season 4. So I have 3 seasons to go? But even the first three seasons felt redundant to me. I get that there’s a million books but I think that none of this is realistic at this point, ya know? And I’m not even caught up.

    6 – TMI. Le sigh. I want to disagree with you, but I can’t. It’s definately a money-grab at this point in time. I get that you’ve created a great universe and series and group of characters, but how far must it go? How much is too much? TID was great. TMI p1 was great. TMI p2 was decent, although I haven’t read the last book still. But like. Now we have companion novels/novellas. A new series starting. Another new series starting. I think by the time she’s “done” there will be like 4 or 5 series in the same world, all in different times. And I feel like that’s hugely excessive. Idk man..

    • Reply Molly 07/18/2016 at 6:32 am

      1 – I’ve watched most of HIMYM but never the final season….i might not. It might spoil the whole show haha

      2. MEH. I never liked Stefan. He was too goodiegoodie. I also HATED CAROLINE from day one. I just wanted her to go away. Also, no, I’ve never read the books. Have you?

      3 AND 4. PLEASE. WATCH. IT. NOW.

      5. Yeah, after the first season (Which was already pretty unrealistic) it got kind of annoying. I think it’s the last season coming soon though? So YAY hahah

      6. I didn’t even read TMI pt2 because pt1 wrapped up so nicely! What was the point of the next three?!?!? hahah But yeah, she just has too many books to me. I get kind of lost in the timeline. And, like, how are there ALWAYS SO MANY EARTH ENDING THINGS GOING ON FOR EVERY GENERATION/GROUP OF SHADOWHUNTERS?????????? xD

      • Reply Alisha 07/18/2016 at 2:17 pm

        1. I wouldn’t. You’re right. It will spoil it. There were some good laughs in the last season, a lot of random and unnecessary shit, but I would just leave it at the second last season and imagine whatever the hell you want happened to the characters LOL. Cause. Like. The series finale left me pissed. And I wasn’t even originally a fan of the show, I only got into it because of Evan.

        2. I haven’t read them, although I own the first one. I’m interested to see how different they are. I know the show changed a lot from the books right off the bat.

        3 and 4. LOL OKAY.


        6. I KNOW! How many times can a villain rise up in the same universe and plan to destroy the world or take over the world. Isn’t it a little overdone by now? I mean the idea in general is overdone, but in the same universe? Come on man. Get a little more creative.

        • Reply Molly 07/22/2016 at 12:53 pm

          1. hahahah okay, that’s what I’ll do then lol

          2. I haven’t even bothered trying to read them. its one of those long series that I have no idea where to start with lol

          5. I’m not a fan of that either. ESPECIALLY with this show, because obvious reasons like NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

          6. EXACTLY. Basically, the shadowhuntesr are NEVER at peace so why even bother. let the world end.

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