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The Anomaly: Darkness, Monsters, & Conspiracies

The Anomaly: Darkness, Monsters, & Conspiracies
The Anomaly by Michael Rutger
Genres: Horror, Mystery/Thriller, Sci-Fi
Pages: 352

Not all secrets are meant to be found.

If Indiana Jones lived in the X-Files era, he might bear at least a passing resemblance to Nolan Moore -- a rogue archaeologist hosting a documentary series derisively dismissed by the "real" experts, but beloved of conspiracy theorists.

Nolan sets out to retrace the steps of an explorer from 1909 who claimed to have discovered a mysterious cavern high up in the ancient rock of the Grand Canyon. And, for once, he may have actually found what he seeks. Then the trip takes a nasty turn, and the cave begins turning against them in mysterious ways.

Nolan's story becomes one of survival against seemingly impossible odds. The only way out is to answer a series of intriguing questions: What is this strange cave? How has it remained hidden for so long? And what secret does it conceal that made its last visitors attempt to seal it forever?

This book had been sitting on my shelf since my very first Book of the Month box. I’ve actually never read any of my BOTM choices (I know, I’m terrible), but I can say that I am thoroughly pleased that this was the first one I decided to pick up.

This story is a blend of claustrophobic horror and mystery with a dash of conspiracy theory (ok, maybe more than a dash but I really wanted to use that phrase here). It’s a slow build that bored me a bit at first – until it ended up just really working with the plot. When certain revelations occurred, I would realize that hints were dropped prior that I just didn’t even consider were all that important. With that said, there are quite a few info dumps of historical information and background on different conspiracies. Those dumps lent to the slow pace of the plot, but also were just kind of boring (luckily, they didn’t happen all the time).

The characters are a mixed bag. They were all pretty surface level besides Nolan. Most of the relationships weren’t developed that well either. Although, I loved Ken and the friendship he had with Nolan. Of all the characters outside of Nolan, Ken clearly got the most love – but besides their relationship, I don’t really know much about him. That’s something I can say for basically everyone in this story.

I will note that by the end, I was still a bit confused on what the heck was happening. Yes, I got the gist of it, but the how was much more wild. You have to suspend your disbelief quite a bit. I can’t really say more than that without totally spoiling it, but yeah, just be prepared to be like “ok, but how” 😆

Overall, it was a good claustrophobic horror. Dark cave? Check. Weird monsters? Check. Mystery? Check. Ragtag group not knowing how to handle the situation? Check. However, it can be a bit slow at times so I wouldn’t recommend this if you want something fast and easy, but if you want to sit down and take your time, give this a try!


  • Reply Tanya @ Girl Plus Books 03/19/2021 at 7:52 am

    I love it when hints and clues are being given but it’s done so cleverly and subtly that you don’t even pick up on them until after. Glad you enjoyed this one!

    • Reply Molly's Book Nook 03/22/2021 at 6:05 am

      Yes! I love that too! It’s like an “oooohhhhh how did I not realize that” moment! I love those lol

  • Reply Roberta R. 03/20/2021 at 8:16 am

    Ugh, a pity about the characters – I can stomach “slow” and even like it, but I need my stories to be more character-driven than this one. Nice job with not spoiling the reveal(s)!

    • Reply Molly's Book Nook 03/22/2021 at 6:04 am

      The book definitely tries to develop them, but I think it just didn’t work for me in that department. The main character is definitely more developed but, yeah, I Really wanted more from the others since they seemed like interesting characters too!

  • Reply Top Ten Tuesday: Debuts I Recently Discovered Exist – Molly's Book Nook 02/07/2023 at 6:00 am

    […] a debut but it’s only his second novel so I thought I’d include it anyways. It gives me The Anomaly vibes, which if you haven’t read and enjoy those claustrophobic mind-benders, you should. […]

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