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Reader Confessions

We’ve all got things that we don’t like to admit when it comes to our reading habits or what books we still haven’t read — but, hey, they’re there. So, that’s what today’s post is about. This is a list of things that I’m a tad ashamed to admit about my reading habits.

I haven’t read Harry Potter

Most people’s reactions to this:


GASP. I know. I remember when the books came out my teacher was reading them in the classroom (I was in 2nd or 3rd grade) but then they got banned. So, she never finished and I never bothered to pick them up. Then the movies came out so I figured what was the point. After the second movie, I decided to read the third book, then I never continued. Thus, I have only read book three. 

However, I own 1-5 so I plan on reading them some day. Hopefully. It’s funny because I totally dig the world. I want to go to the Wizarding World that just opened up here. I like things that have to do with Harry Potter yet I’ve only REALLY watched the first 4 movies and read 1 book. What is wrong with me!?

I don’t really have OTPs

I was recently tagged to do the Top 5 OTPs thing on Twitter by a few lovely girls but I can’t do it! I really don’t have OTPs that I’m super passionate about. I mean, sure, I’ll prefer a certain character with another character, especially if there is a love triangle, but I never put too much thought into it. Sometimes I can’t even remember the characters names to tell people who I like!

Seriously, I’m sitting here staring at my books trying to think of a few but the only one I can come up with is Alina and the Darkling.

I can’t remember character names

Even main characters sometimes. I’ll be writing a review for a book right after I read it and have to look up what the character’s names are. Not even going to lie, I had to look up Alina’s name in the previous confession.


I can’t remember quotes

So, at Yallwest they played this game where the authors on stage read the first line of a book and the audience had to shout out what the book was. People were answering it before the author was even done reading the sentence. Most of the books they were talking about I’ve read, but I had no idea what the first freaking sentence was.

Or, when people share favorite quotes, do they actually just remember what the quote is? Because I can’t do that to save my life. If I can’t remember character names, how am I supposed to remember quotes?! It’s crazy to me!


I read very slow

My family says otherwise because I read a lot of books but what they don’t see is me spending an entire day to finish a book. I mean, from morning to night, I’ll be reading. It takes me at least  7 hours to finish a 300-page book. The “at least” part is because it depends on the line spacing, the size of the font, how interested I am in it, and if it’s an e-book or physical (because I read e-books faster for some reason). So when I see people say they read 8 books in a week, my jaw hits the floor. I would have to spend the entire week reading to do that.

*There are a few exceptions to this, but it’s very rare.

I’m picky about the condition of the books I buy

I don’t like to buy new books online because I don’t like running the risk of getting a damaged book. So, I almost exclusively buy new books in the store. Then, once at the store, I choose the very last book in the stack, or the one behind all the others, or just the one that looks the best. I’m so picky that when I went to buy a book recently, it looked like someone poked the cover with something so I asked the employee to grab one from the back for me that was the least damaged. Gosh, that makes me sound like such a brat — I was friendly about it! I even apologized a million times.

If I’m buying something brand new, I want it to look brand new. If I’m buying a new pair of jeans, I don’t pick the one with a stain on the front. So, when I buy a book, I don’t buy the one with torn cover or the folded edges or the one that looks like someone aggressively flipped through the damn thing.

Although let’s be real, I do this same thing with almost everything I buy: clothes, movies, books, makeup, bath items, etc etc.


I’m sure there are a few that I’m forgetting xD But, let’s talk about your confessions! What are some of your habits or things you’re ashamed to admit?


  • Reply ltlibrarian 05/24/2016 at 6:31 am

    I neveeeerrrr remember character names. I’m constantly googling or going to GoodReads to go through summaries and figure out the names. Often I can barely remember the book if I don’t makes notes on it right after I’ve finished.

    It’s fine if you haven’t read Harry Potter. I’ve never understood people freaking out at other people for this. And honestly, the third book is the best. I think if I hadn’t read the hp books as they were coming out I wouldn’t have bothered. I mean, there’s 7 of them, and they’re huge. Who has time to sit down and read 7 books that everyone else has already read to death, and where you’ve seen movies so you already know what’s going to happen. After I see a movie version the book is dead to me, so read them if you want, but if you never get around to it, meh. You can all yourself a rebel hahah

    • Reply Molly 05/25/2016 at 10:08 am

      HAHA I’m the same way xD I also have a notebook sitting next to me to take notes but sometimes my notes are so vague that I Don’t remember what it was about. MY MEMORY IS CRAP lol

      A lot of people say the 3rd one is the best and I actually REALLY enjoyed it when I read it. So yay! haha BUT SERIOUSLY. I look at the books and I’m just like…damn…I have so many OTHER books I want to read xD

      I’m the same about movies and books. I don’t really rush to read the book before a movie. I’ll just see the movie and then never read the book. Whoops. xD

  • Reply Lola 05/24/2016 at 8:22 am

    I am the worst at remembering character names, I am not sure why as I usually have a pretty decent memory, but characters names? Nope, I always forget them and same as you when i am reviewing the book I am constantly looking up names, I’ve even become adept at talking about characters without actually mentioning their names. And I can’t do quotes either, unless I can look them up, but I don’t remember them. I do remember weird things like when I approximately read the book.

    I hope you’ll enjoy Harry Potter once you get around to reading the books! I would love to re-read the books sometimes as it’s been a long time ago since I read them. What you have with OTP’s I have with book boyfriends, I like the characters as a couple and never got the book boyfriend thing. I much rather talk about my favourite couples.

    I have to admit I also prefer my books to be in good condition. I almost exclusively order books online, but else I probably also would pick the one at the last part. I am pretty bad at this when grocery shopping, I always pick the red bell peppers that look best and will take time picking some up and inspecting them until I found the best looking ones to take home. I even smell the bag of potatoes I am buying to make sure they aren’t rotting yet (I had this happen once and became super careful after that). Like you said if I am going to buy something new I want it to be new and if I am spending my money on groceries I want to make sure they are the best the supermarket has to offer and they survive as long till I need them for dinner.

    • Reply Molly 05/25/2016 at 10:11 am

      I especially will forget MC names xD I think that’s because, if it’s told from first person, the MC doesn’t exactly mention their name 242904890 times lol It’s happened to me quite a bit.

      OH YEAH. Book boyfriends. I don’t get that one either. I don’t even have like…favorite male love interests? It’s just, oh cool, they’re a cute couple, then I move on lol

      Also, exactly, if I’m paying full price for something, I want it to be in good condition. I definitely get weird at the grocery store with it. Even with canned foods xD If I see a can of peas and the can is bent on the side, I’ll find one that isn’t lol

  • Reply Mariah Smith 05/24/2016 at 8:51 am

    I’m TERRIBLE at the “Guess the book by the first line!” game. I remember I played that once and even though a lot of the books were ones I loved, I just couldn’t remember them. I don’t know how people memorize stuff like that! There’s only a few books where I have whole quotes memorized, and those are top, top, TOP favorites (like Throne of Glass and The Raven Boys).
    I’m so not picky when it comes to the condition of my book. As long as the binding is intact, and there aren’t any major rips or tears, I’m totally okay with it being a little banged up. I feel like I’m one of the few people who’s like that hahaha. So yes, I’m a spine breaker. I’m not ashamed, but I’ll admit I get a little apprehensive because people always seem to comment on that and almost scold me for it, which is ridiculous.
    If you ever get around to reading Harry Potter, I hope you enjoy it! Great post, Molly 🙂

    • Reply Molly 05/25/2016 at 10:14 am

      Right?! It’s hard! I mean, some lines are SUPER iconic so I know, but for the most part I don’t know them at all. I also don’t have ANY quotes memorized, even for my favorite books xD

      I only care about the condition of a book if it’s brand new, otherwise, I don’t care too much. Well, I do and I don’t. I don’t throw my book around, but if it accidently gets a little damaged, I don’t worry too much. It’s just when I first buy it xD I mean, those things are like 20-30$ lol

  • Reply Zoë 05/24/2016 at 9:05 am

    I feel the same about OTPs! I don’t really think very much beyond what’s already canon – I was going to use Harry Potter as an example, but seeing as you haven’t read them I’ll leave it! I hope you enjoy them if you do ever read them 🙂

    • Reply Molly 05/25/2016 at 10:15 am

      hahah xD I mean, I know who a few people end up with. When I first started watching the movies, I was totally a Harry and Hermione shipper. I still kind of am…maybe that’ll change when I read it? lol

  • Reply Greg Hill 05/24/2016 at 9:28 am

    I get the reading thing. I don’t think I read slow necessarily but the people who can read 8 books a week, or 5 or whatever… wow. Not me. Sure time is part of it but still… I’m not sure if I’d WANT to read that many that fast, if that makes sense. I need to savor them a bit more, I don’t think i want to digest that many in so short a time, you know?

    And yeah to book condition. If I’m spending $ on a book it needs to be in good shape, not all dinged up. 🙂 I do seem to be good at remembering names though- I can often recall an obscure character name ages after I’ve read it. Not sure how useful that is lol.

    • Reply Molly 05/25/2016 at 10:17 am

      I agree with that. Sometimes when I read back to back in a matter of days, I kind of forget what I read. That’s why I usually try to only plan 2 reviews a week, and sometimes I don’t even reach that. I don’t like rushing it. Even if I did, though, I read too slow to do that lol

      I wish I could remember names. Even if I do remember names, sometimes I forget what character they belong to, especially if it’s been a while. Like the 2 main characters in ACOTAR….I know the names but can’t remember who is who. Ugh.

  • Reply Alisha 05/24/2016 at 9:33 am

    Hahaha oh man, I’m the EXACT SAME WAY when it comes to buying books. Even Evan knows, if he’s buying me a book, it better be the best looking one there. If there’s only a few copies of something I want, and they all look wrecked in some way or another, I’ll go to another store to get a better copy. Maybe that sounds ridiculous, but we spend a lot of money on books. If I’m spending $20-$30 on a book, (or investing a lot in a series) it better be in brand new condition. Why would you pay for damaged goods? I totally get it girl. You are not alone.

    Same goes for the slow reading thing. I’m by no means a “speed reader” and it baffles me that people can do that. Sometimes when you try to skim a section that maybe isn’t interesting or someone is droning on about something, I end up totally lost and have to go back anyways. I don’t know if I’ve ever read a book in one sitting, mostly because I get distracted. Or hungry. And then usually distracted.

    However, I do totally have OTPs. Like a million of them. Some I’m more passionate about than others (Clarke and Bellamy) lol, but I have a huge fleet of ships, if you know what I mean XD. I’m also pretty good at remembering names, but I have a really good memory to begin with so that helps. Quotes I don’t usually remember, or not all of them. I write a lot of quotes down that I like, I have a little journal, but I most likely couldn’t tell a book by it’s first line unless their was some distinguishing word or trait or something that was given.

    As for Harry Potter. I mean. Come on. You’ve seen the movies (or most of them) so you at least get a pass for that. I do hope you actually read them one day, because they’re so so so good. I can’t even say better than the movies, because the movies were amazing. But they books are really good. They start super small and get super big (or my specific version does anyways) but they’re totally worth the read. OR you could wait until you have kids and read them to your kids 🙂 Just saying.

    • Reply Molly 05/25/2016 at 10:21 am

      hahahahah YES. I’m not the only one. I will literally spend 10 minutes comparing the differences between 2 copies just to take home the most perfect one xD

      I can skim sometimes, especially dialogue (because you don’t realy need to read “he said” and “she said” in 500 different ways to get it) so if a book is HEAVY on the dialogue, I can finish it pretty fast. But those type of books are rare lol

      I feel like the reason I don’t have OTPs is partly because I can’t remember names or events in books sometimes. I mean, it would be helpful to remember the NAME of the love interest xD I used to write down quotes but then I noticed I never actually GO BACK to look at them. Now, I just have a notebook sitting next to me and I write down my reactions while I’m reading. It helps with my memory for reviews. Stupid brain.

      I WILL read them one day. I REALLLLLLLY WANT TO. I just always find 92382093293 other books to read. I think it’s because I need to review books for the blog.. which means I can’t be as free with my reading choices. Maybe I can do like “reactions of a first time harry potter reader” reviews or something so I can read them and still have shit to post lol

      • Reply Alisha 05/25/2016 at 4:43 pm

        1. Oh girl. I do it too. Like, it’s bad XD I hate ordering books online for that reason. One of the ones I got from TBD over Christmas… was… not one I would have picked in a store, lol. Wharves.

        2, Yeah true, true. I remember I tried to skim parts of ACOTAR, and it was her final test where the three peoples faces were covered and up until they pulled off the bags or whatever they were, I was like OH SHIT ITS HER FATHER AND SISTERS because I thought it said 2 females and 1 male but it was 1 female and 2 males lol. So I was hella confused for like 2 pages and had to go back.

        3. LOL that makes a very good point. I think I’m just a die hard romantic, and always want the love to win so I always have a team to cheer for, ya know? ALSO VERY TRUE. I never go back to my quotes.. Lol I never thought about that…

        4. DO IT! I think that would be fun, because a) you’re reviewing a book you’ve never read – still relevant to your blog. b) all your readers / commenters / whatever have MOST LIKELY read it, so they can sort of… re-live the first time magic through you, ya know? I would be pumped. Lol and if you want a buddy reader, LET ME KNOW cause I’ve been itching to re-read them.

        • Reply Molly 05/29/2016 at 9:32 am

          OH SNAP. NUMBERS AGAIN. Why did we stop doing this?

          1. I don’t order from Amazon or TBD because of that. I do order from B&N but I’ve never had an issue with them. And I have free 2 day shipping, so yeah haha

          2. HAHAHAH That kind of stuff happens to me a lot. Or during dialogue, I’ll get kind of lost on who’s saying what (if there is more than two people talking). I also skim fight scenes sometimes. I’m not like OH YEAH ACTION when I get to them. I’m usually like OH GOD. AN ENTIRE PAGE ON HOW SHE PUNCHES SOMEONE. and skim it xD

          3. I do have OTPs in shows, though! I’ll get pretty into that. But for some reason I don’t in books :/ (with a few exceptions)

          4. YES CAN WE PLEASE BUDDY READ. That would be so fun! So I can chit chat about it while reading!

          • Alisha 05/29/2016 at 8:27 pm

            IDK! LOL, SILLY US!

            1. I don’t actually know if B&N ships to Canada but I should find out. Indigo/Chapters is where I usually order from and so far I’ve had no problems. They take about 2 weeks but I’ve never had even a slightly damaged book.

            2. HAHAHAHA you’re so right tho. I do it too. Sometimes I’m just like no. Stahp. Please. Stahp. Just move on.

            3. Fair enough! I mean, it’s easier in shows I think because you SEE them and you SEE the love / cute moments and hardships and all that. The emotions on their face. In books I think a lot is left to the imagination sometimes. Which is fine. That’s why we read. But still. Visuals make it a lot easier to form attachments. If that made sense.

            4. OMG OKAY! Serious. So excited 🙂

          • Molly 05/30/2016 at 9:03 am

            We shoulda used the numbers for the TV discussion haha

            1. TWO WEEKS. ah, i’d die. That’s another reason I don’t like buying online unless its B&N — it takes F O R E V E R

            2. hahahah I get why the action scenes are there. But, like, I don’t care about the breakdown of it. Just tell me who wins (obviously the MC or the story would end) and move on. xD

            3. Maybe that’s why. It’s different when you SEE them giving eachother a cute look than when you read about it.

            4. & OKAY. I’ll let you know when ? I want to try to catch up on some reading and I’m on the right track with my review copies and what not 😛

  • Reply Sakina 05/24/2016 at 10:36 am

    Oh you should definitely pick up Harry Potter! You won’t regret it and it’ll make your trip to the Wizarding World (one day) a whole lot more fun and memorable! I kind of have to agree on the whole OTP thing. I feel like I have OTPs when it comes to TV shows, but lot so much books. I think that’s probably because I don’t really get invested in a possible OTP in a standalone book, and I haven’t really read a lot of series lately with a lot of OTPs. I don’t usually have trouble remembering character names, but I don’t usually remember quotes. Like maaaybe, if someone read out the first sentence of a book I’ve read and loved, and I recognize the words or the description or something, then I could probably recognize the book. I’m also a slow reader, especially when it comes to reading a physical book – like you, for some reason, when I read books on my phone, it takes me a couple of days at the most to finish a book. I actually prefer reading a physical book to an ebook, because I feel like I remember what happened better. And, you’re not the only one who’s particular about the condition of her books. I do the exact same thing when I’m in the bookstore! I refuse to buy hardcovers from BookOutlet anymore, because last time I did, the book came damaged and was just not in the best condition. Though it is BookOutlet, so I can’t complain.

    • Reply Molly 05/25/2016 at 10:26 am

      I definitely will! Everyone loves them, and I’m sure I’ll like them too. I just always have so many other books I want to read xD

      OMG. I totally have OTPs for TV shows. That’s really funny xD I didn’t even really realize that until you said something hahahah

      Unless it’s a really iconic quote, I won’t know it. Or the world or name of characters are included in the quote. So, seriously, props to the people that can remember that stuff! haha

      I prefer physical as well, but I read ebooks faster. So that’s a bummer 🙁 Also, that’s why I’m scared to order books from Amazon! I’ve heard to many horror stories. As for Book Outlet, they do have a “scratch and dent” option. Some books are damaged, but it tells you before you buy, so I’ll buy those ones if its a book I’m not super sure about.

  • Reply Kelsey 05/24/2016 at 3:26 pm

    I’ve read the Harry Potter books…except the last one. Everyone keeps telling me i need to and I own them as well lol maybe you should do a read-a-long for it? I would totally join.

    I don’t do OTP’s or even book boyfriends either, it’s just never been that interesting to me. Reading over your list I actually identify with everything except the reading slow. I can read fast, I just take a lot of breaks after a few chapters. And I usually take notes with character names just in case lol I have enough trouble remembering the names of people I meet in person.

    • Reply Molly 05/25/2016 at 10:28 am

      maybe! I already do a GoT readalong xD They’re a lot of work lol But I’ll totally buddy read or something!

      YEAH. I totally forgot about the book boyfriends thing. I don’t get that one either. – – I have a notebook sitting next to me while I read so that when I review I can go through and read my thoughts throughout the book. Maybe I should start writing character names lol

  • Reply Kristen Burns 05/24/2016 at 8:35 pm

    Well, if you’re only going to read one HP book, at least you chose the best one 😉

    I also got tagged for that Twitter thing, and I couldn’t do it either because I also don’t really have OTPs. And if I did, well, no one seems to read the books I like, so no one would have heard of them. And that would just be a sad tweet.

    I feel you on the character names because I used to be awful. Like, literally, 10 seconds after I set the book down to go do something, I’d already have forgotten every character’s name lol. But I’ve gotten A LOT better now that I write summaries (really helpful for series) and write notes and reviews for the books I read. But I have no idea if I’d recognize quotes. Probably not lol.

    It completely makes sense that you want your new stuff in perfect condition! I mean, that’s what you’re paying for, so you keep on grabbin’ from the back of the shelf 😛

    • Reply Molly 05/25/2016 at 10:43 am

      That’s what a lot of people say! So that’s good! lol

      Aw, I’m sure there is SOMEONE who reads the same books as you. I’m actually curious, (and this is kind of unrelated), as someone who doesn’t read a lot of YA, do you find it hard to be in the book community? Is there a community for other genres of books? That may sound stupid but I feel like EVERYONE here reads YA.

      I’ve done that xD When I try to talk about a book I’m like…crap…what was his name? lol I do write notes/reactions while I’m reading but I never think to, you know, write down notes about character names lol.

      • Reply Kristen Burns 05/25/2016 at 10:57 am

        Well, I *do* read YA, I just also read adult books. And the YA books I read are just usually not the popular ones because I read mostly self-pub and indie. I always feel like I must sound like a hipster or something lol, like I’m too cool for the popular books, but most of them I’m just genuinely not interested in or I read them but didn’t like them or I simply can’t afford them because even the ebooks are $9.99.

        But anyway, it does suck not being able to do posts about OTPs and join in some discussions and fangirling (part of the reason I stopped doing TTT), and I know my blog will never be the most popular, but it’s not like I’m gonna stop reading what I like just to get followers. And there are blogs out there just about adult books, just about paranormal, just about m/m, just about the types of books I read, but they always seem unfriendly, like they have less of a community feel :-/ So I stick to the friendly blogs lol. Some of the bloggers I follow as regularly interact with also read a lot of adult and indie books, even if we don’t really have the same taste. And I do have a couple followers and some GR friends with somewhat similar taste 🙂

        • Reply Molly 05/25/2016 at 11:16 am

          That makes sense. I feel like I’m slowly becoming less interested in some of the YA stories. They’re all so similar so I get burnt out easily. You don’t sound like a hipster btw lol

          I was just curious because my husband asked me other day about book communities not focused on YA and I literally had NO IDEA about them.

          • Kristen Burns 05/25/2016 at 3:19 pm

            You could always try indie/self-pub books! There’s more to choose from, and you can find ones that aren’t so formulaic 🙂

          • Molly 05/29/2016 at 9:17 am

            I’ve read a few but mainly because I get them for review. Some of my favorites are actually from that! I guess I should start going out looking for them more xD

  • Reply Lauren @ Wonderless Reviews 05/24/2016 at 9:19 pm

    Oh man, I relate to SO many of these. The third Harry Potter book is definitely my favourite, so at least you’ve read the best one ? I used to be CRAZY over OTPs, but now I don’t really care that much? And oh my god, I am SO BAD with character names. I have to do serious rechecking every time I post a review lmao. And I feel like I could be President of the Slow Reader’s Club.

    • Reply Molly 05/25/2016 at 10:45 am

      hahahah I’m glad I’m not alone on all of these xD

      My reading pace is actually why there are sometimes a serious lack of reviews on my blog. I read then review. So, if I take a week to finish a book…welll…that’s 1 review xD I wish I could read a TAD faster for that reason. But, oh well. haha

      • Reply Lauren @ Wonderless Reviews 05/25/2016 at 10:23 pm

        Same here about the lack of reviews! People who post them daily amaze me, haha. The only time I’m a quick reader is when I’m reading a comic or graphic novel.

        • Reply Molly 05/29/2016 at 9:34 am

          RIGHT?! Or the people who have them written weeks in advance. HOW?! I can’t do that. I always read then review, read then review. I’ve NEVER had reviews planned out ahead of time. xD

          • Lauren @ Wonderless Reviews 05/29/2016 at 8:40 pm

            Oh my god, same! I can’t even imagine having reviews in my schedule weeks early. There’s some blogs I follow that ONLY post reviews and sometimes they post 2 a day and it’s just like…. are you even human lmao ?

          • Molly 05/30/2016 at 8:47 am

            RIGHT?!?!?!? HOWWW ??!!?? Tell us your secrets! hahah xD

          • Lauren @ Wonderless Reviews 05/30/2016 at 7:55 pm

            Black magic sacrificial rituals I swear HAHAAHA. I want in!!!

  • Reply Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog 05/25/2016 at 3:47 am

    I share the first four with you!! I haven’t read HP, I also got tagged for that OTP thing and was like I have no idea!, I am awful with character names and quotes. I do plan on reading HP at some point though I just never seem to find the time to fit it in!! Fun post!

    • Reply Molly 05/25/2016 at 10:50 am

      hahah YES. I love it. There are so many of us that share the same problems lol 😀 I do plan on reading HP someday…. I just, like you, need to find the time to do it.

  • Reply Jord (Simply Adrift) 05/25/2016 at 5:02 am

    I can never remember characters names either! It’s so weird, I always have to look it up when I’m writing reviews. I also never remember quotes haha, I usually highlight quotes on my kindle, but when I go to write the review I often forget I’ve done that. Or I reread the quote and think it’s not actually that great so I don’t use it.

    Jordon @ Simply Adrift

    • Reply Molly 05/25/2016 at 10:52 am

      I have to do the same thing! I especially hate it when it’s kind of an obscure character that I want to talk about and I can’t find it online so I have to hunt the pages of the book for the name xD That’s happened a few times. I highlight on my ereader as well, but then I never go back. I used to write down quotes in a notebook, I never went back to that either lol. Or yeah, I’ve totally thought “maybe this isn’t that great of a quote afterall” hahah xD The struggles

  • Reply Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf 05/25/2016 at 1:32 pm

    I have an awful memory…so I can relate to most of these!!!

  • Reply Lais Espacini 05/25/2016 at 4:12 pm

    I feel glad that once I found book blogging community, I realized I’m not the only person that have never read Harry Potter. Althought I did watch all the movies, I wasn’t much of a reader when the books came out and, somehow, I was never a big fan of fantasy. So, it’s still in my TBR!
    And let’s talk about slow reading! I feel really jealous of people that can read more than 8 books in a month. Even when I stop to read for an entire day, I can only finish a 300 page book; if I push any further, I’ll end up with terrible headaches. If the book has great writing, I’m the most likely to spend minutes looking at the words and memorizing beautiful quotes. It’s a problem, I know, hahah.
    Great post, Molly! <3

    • Reply Molly 05/29/2016 at 9:20 am

      There are quite a few people who haven’t read HP! We’re in an exclusive club lol

      Yeah, I don’t know how people can read so much. I definitely go through phases when I can read that much in a month but that usually means I did NOTHING else for a month haha Also, I can’t memorize quotes. It’s cool that you can do that!

  • Reply Annika 05/28/2016 at 10:45 am

    As to Harry Potter… they got banned?!
    I actually agree on the OTP thing! It’s always important to me who a character ends up with but if you ask me about it a few days later I’ll probably have forgotten…
    I read ebooks faster too! ALSO I DON’T REMEMBER CHARACTER NAMES, LIKE EVER. It makes me kind of anxious, actually?
    I’ve got so many confessions I have a feature just for them :’D

    • Reply Molly 05/29/2016 at 9:38 am

      It did! Just in my school, though. Someone said it was witchcraft or something. Idk, I just remember she had to stop reading it halfway through the first book 🙁

      YEAH! I’ll root for characters while I’m reading a book but then after, I usually am over it lol

      I don’t know what it is about ebooks! I think it’s because I can make the font big so I’m tricking my mind into thinking I’m reading more pages? I have no idea xD

  • Reply Yasmine @ Swissbookworm 05/28/2016 at 11:08 am

    Haha first of: That gif of Phil just is the exact reaction I have after trying to review a book!! Although I totally loved it, when it comes to reviewing something I just go momentarly blank and forget everything important.

    In what country do you live that HP was banished? I’ve never heard of that before. But yes, I totally gasped when I read that you haven’t read them yet! (Being a Potterhead is my lifestyle…)

    Me too, I forget a lot of character names even if they’re on my favourites-list. -.- And don’t get me started on quotes. I always feel so bad when I read a review of someone else and then see like 5-10 quotes in one paragraph and I’m sitting there like: “Oh yeah, I remember that someone said something like that somewhere in one of the books of the series”

    7 hours for a 300 page book is not bad! It takes me longer! But I’ve realised that it also depends on the author. For example The Fault In Our Stars I’ve read in one day (the entire day!) and for a book by Cassandra Clare, let’s take City of Glass, it accumulates to around 20 hours of pure reading (I think, it took me like a week to complete the reading part).

    • Reply Molly 05/29/2016 at 9:50 am

      hahahaha I feel the same way. That’s why I read then review. Except I made the mistake of reading two books back to back last week without writing the review first, so we’ll see how that goes xD

      HP was just banned from my school. I don’t know why :/ My teacher was reading it one day, then told us she wasn’t allowed to anymore. I guess some parent complained about witchcraft or something.

      Quotes are hard! I’m subscribed to Fandom of the Month which is a jewelry subscription service. Sometimes necklaces and other pieces of jewelry come with quotes on them and sometimes I don’t know where the heck that quote is from. Or it’s like, oh yeah, someone said that but I don’t remember why or when or to who or who even said it lol

      There are a lot of factors that play into my reading speed, so I definitely agree that it just depends. But that is also why I try to read more shorter books than long ones. I bought ACOMAF and still haven’t picked it up because it’s so LONGGGGG !

      • Reply Yasmine @ Swissbookworm 05/29/2016 at 11:09 am

        Yeah, well I’ve got three books lined up to review still and I don’t know how good that will turn out :p But I’ll give my best.

        Oh okay. Well, of course there’s witchcraft… I mean the whole book is about wizardry 😛 *shakes head in humor*

        I love Fandom of the Month! I’m not subscribed, though, but maybe someday I will do that :)) I love following them on IG though and they’ve got so many awesome things!

        I still love to read long books, though 🙂 I haven’t read any of the ACOTAR books yet, but they’re still on my to-buy list 😀 Hope you’ll enjoy!

        • Reply Molly 05/30/2016 at 8:56 am

          Well, good luck! 😀

          hahaha, I know xD Parents sometimes. They’re weird.

          FOTM is a fun one! It’s cheaper too. Like 12$ a month or something? I pay for a 3 month sub at a time so it comes out to like 30 or 35$ for 3 months. I’m starting to run out of space though ahhah xD

          I do read long books. But when I feel myself kind of entering into a slump, I avoid them like the plague lol

          • Yasmine @ Swissbookworm 05/30/2016 at 1:04 pm

            Yeah, but for me FOTM is quite expensive because of the shipping fee :0 I would have to pay 11.50$ for each month extra :/

            Haha, I know the feeling 😛

          • Molly 06/01/2016 at 2:19 pm

            Oh wow! >.< That sucks! Maybe there will be something similar with cheaper shipping for you xD

          • Yasmine @ Swissbookworm 06/02/2016 at 12:53 pm

            Yeah, I hope so. Just haven’t found it yet 🙁

  • Reply Tracy 05/28/2016 at 1:33 pm

    This is so great!! First of all, I totally feel you on the character names. I cannot remember them to save my life. Even with my absolute favorite books of all time I sometimes forget the main character’s names.

    I didn’t realize I read so slowly until I started immersing myself in the book blogging world and realized that some of these people read like, 5 books per week! WHEN DO THEY HAVE THE TIME?? I usually manage to read one physical copy (MAYBE two on a good week) and one audiobook each week.

    Definitely read Harry Potter when you get the chance! I didn’t get to read them as a kid because my parents wouldn’t let me have any HP-related things in the house, but I finally binged the entire series in 2011 and LOVED it! They add so much to the movies!

    Awesome post, by the way! Would you mind if I stole the idea?

    Tracy @ Cornerfolds

    • Reply Molly 05/29/2016 at 9:42 am

      SERIOUSLY. I’m so glad I’m not alone with the names thing. I have to look up character names A LOT. Especially if it’s been a REALLY long time since I’ve read the book, there’s no way I’ll remember the names!

      Sometimes I don’t even manage 1 book xD I’m bad at managing my time. So, yeah, when I see people posting book reviews every day, it’s crazy to me!

      I’ll read HP someday…I promise hahah

      AND SURE! I got the idea from various other things around the internet. So go for it 🙂

  • Reply Mahriya 01/01/2017 at 8:45 am

    I’m Starting to think I’m a goldfish! I do not remember any character names! LIKE WHAT? And don’t get me started on quotes!

    • Reply Molly 01/01/2017 at 5:59 pm

      HAHA GIRL. I feel you. I sometimes don’t even remember an entire books PLOT. We’re goldfish.

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