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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice // A mixed opinion

Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Release Date: March 25, 2016

Director: Zack Snyder
Screenplay: Chris Terrio, David S. Goyer
Starring: Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Jesse Eisenberg, Diane Lane, Laurence Fishburne, Jeremy Irons, Holly Hunter, Gal Gadot
Rated: Pg-13

3 Stars

I’m going to review this one a little differently by breaking it up into what I liked and didn’t like. Basically, I went into this with extremely low expectations and walked out pretty surprised. It’s hard for me to put all my thoughts into a review, so I figured this would be easier.

Let’s get to the nitty-gritty of it.

What I liked:

It was a more dark and serious superhero movie. A lot of people seem to be unhappy about this, but I found it refreshing. Marvel has a lot of comedic relief in their films and I love it, but there is nothing wrong with creating a superhero film that is more somber and gritty. The heroes in this movie clearly struggle with either their existence or losses. I think it was done very well.

Batman. I liked Ben Affleck as Batman – or should I say, Batfleck. I liked his performance and the way this movie handled his character. He is a much darker Batman than in earlier films and it was very interesting to see.

Also, his motives were clear and convincing. I’ll explain more about my opinion on character’s motives in what I didn’t like – just know that Batman is the only one that I fully understood.

What I Didn’t like:

It was choppy. The entire movie jumps from scene to scene to scene. There weren’t many smooth transitions and it never felt fully cohesive.

There were too many plotlines. This ties into my first point of the movie being choppy. You follow Batman’s story, Superman’s story, Lex Luthor’s story – then there are subplots like Wonder Woman and a “dream sequence” that seems to hint at the future Justice League movie. It’s a lot to take in and to be honest, I still don’t fully understand some of the character’s motives.

Superman. Ok, so, this may be unfair to the movie because I really just don’t like Superman in general. His character is ridiculous. He puts glasses on and suddenly no one knows who he is? When your grandparents put their reading glasses on, do you suddenly think you’re looking at a stranger? It’s stupid. It’s not that Henry Cavill did a bad job, I just don’t like his character. However, that’s not fair to this movie but I just kind of felt like getting that off my chest.

Really, my issue with him in this movie is that his qualm with Batman doesn’t make sense. He’s upset that the community doesn’t like him so he tries to deflect the issues onto Batman. It seemed petty and didn’t tie into the film very well – which shouldn’t be the case in a film all about their feud. But again, the motives of characters were a bit all over the place.


I didn’t love nor hate this film. It fell solidly in the middle territory. It’s darker than other superhero films, but the plotlines are kind of wonky. It feels more like a giant setup for DC’s future films. It’s somber and full of dialogue, but I still found it entertaining. If the filmmakers put more focus into specific plotlines, it would have been a better story. However, it’s still a decent film.

If you are going to see this, don’t go in expecting a Marvel movie, it’s not Marvel. I don’t think that should have to be said, but I think if you go in expecting what we’ve seen in movies like Iron Man and The Avengers, you’ll be disappointed.


  • Reply Tracy 03/28/2016 at 1:48 pm

    I’m so glad you reviewed this because I’ve been really on the fence about seeing it. I’m really REALLY not sold on Ben Affleck, so that’s my number one problem. Number two is that I really didn’t like Man of Steel. I grew up on good guy Superman who takes the fight away from crowded areas, so seeing him destroy a town full of people really made me sad. I’m a Marvel girl to the core, so I think I may just have to wait on this one until it’s released on blu ray! Great review!

    Tracy @ Cornerfolds

    • Reply Molly 03/30/2016 at 11:52 am

      Ben Affleck was the one I liked the most. He does a really great job. Although I really hated Christian Bale as Batman – I don’t know if that impacts what I think about Ben Affleck. I’m just not a fan of Superman overall. Batman’s motives in this movie are basically exactly what you said your problem with this new Superman is, the whole not taking the fight away from the city thing.

      I’m also 100% a Marvel fan, I only saw this because my husband and his friends were going. I figured I’d tag along in order to review it. Otherwise, I totally would have waited for DVD…maybe xD

  • Reply Alisha 04/03/2016 at 12:56 pm

    I’m still super on the fence about this movie, but I also strongly dislike Superman movies in general, and I haven’t heard one strictly good review about this movie. That being said, we’re going to see it tonight and I’m excited to finally see what the hype is all about, good or bad, lol.

    I was also thinking that maybe with Civil War coming out this year, this movie was kind of set up to fail. There’s so much superhero vs superhero and anti-heroes (Deadpool and Suicide Squad) that I think maybe this movie would have been done better in a different year with a little more thought put into it and maybe a little less subplots (according to everyones reviews). Idk, it just seems like a dark year for superheroes while this tried to be different (?) it just kinda didn’t work.

    • Reply Molly 04/04/2016 at 7:09 am


      • Reply Alisha 04/04/2016 at 7:18 pm

        **Brace yourself, a long reply is coming**

        So… Don’t hate me… But this really weird thing happened to me while watching this movie. I literally went in with zero expectations for this movie, so really the only thing this movie could do was exceed my expectations. And. It did. In a way. I feel like there was WAY too many sub plots going on and WAY too much back story (that we already know). But for me, Superman was my saving grace! Which totally blew me away and made no sense. Even Evan was like, wtf seriously? I mean, it’s not that I hated Man of Steel, it just wasn’t my jam. I’m not a huge Superman fan, AT ALL. But for me, Christian Bale is Batman. He always will be. I haven’t seen any of the old movies with the other like, fifty Batmans, but Christian Bale is MY Batman. Ya know? Grew up watching him as Batman (essentially). And it’s not that Ben Affleck makes a bad Batman, he’s just not what I’m used to. (I know, Alisha, embrace the change). But that’s like if all of a sudden they do more Harry Potter or LOTR and recast HP or Frodo. It’s not the same. Ya know? And Evan was explaining that they based most of this movie off of an arc that was done as an anime? And the anime explains things a little better, and the whole dream sequence with the Superman army and flying things is like a nod to a super villain who controls Superman and makes all this stuff happen? But they don’t explain any of that. It’s legit like Bruce has a dream about Superman doing fucked up shit and then he’s like HE MUST DIE. I SHALL KILL HIM. I understand that people died when Superman was fighting the … thing? I’m assuming from Man of Steel? I really don’t remember. Anyways, YES I understand Batman’s argument and Lex Luther’s argument about not being able to be all powerful and all good at the same time, HOWEVER, I don’t think that means he deserves to die. And then Batman’s all, bring it bro, let’s go, to the death, you and me, right now. And Superman tries to ask him for help, and instead of Batman letting Superman explain or defend or justify himself, he just goes for the kill. Ya know? Until low and behold, their mother’s shared a name. Okay, jk bro, we can be friends, I’ll go save your mom, you take out Lex. Like, I kinda felt like Batman was being a tad ridiculous, and a mega jerk. I do see both sides, I just don’t think Batman was more justified in his argument than Superman was, in order for Superman to be the bad guy in this situation. Well. One of the “bad” guys. (I don’t think either was more justified than the other, and I actually kinda thought the whole argument was pointless, tbh) ALSO I literally thought that Wonder Woman, although BADASS had no purpose up until the big fight. Do we know if she gets her own movie like Aqua Man (so excited)? Or just Justice League? And ALSO, (last point, I swear) Lex Luther? HATED him in this movie. I hate the way he was portrayed, I hate how fkn young he is compared to the rest of the cast. He reminds me of a child throwing a temper tantrum. LOL But I didn’t totally hate this movie like I thought I would. I’m not blown away by it by any means, but It wasn’t half bad.

        • Reply Molly 04/05/2016 at 6:13 am

          1. Yes, there were a lot of plots all over the place. That’s one thing that I really disliked about the movie. I wish it had more focus one or even TWO would have been fine. And YESEYSEYS I told Matt that! I was like “why do we need to be reminded every god damn time how Batman became Batman? Like WE KNOW ALREADY!” xD

          2. Ok, I can see why you wouldn’t like Ben Affleck as Batman if you liked Christian Bale. Personally, I freakin’ HATED Bale as Batman. His stupid mouth bothered me. It seriously drove me fucking bonkers. It would distract me from everything he was saying. I kind of figured out what I didn’t like about his mouth when we were watching it the other day – YOU CAN’T SEE HIS TEETH WHEN HE TALKS. It’s like he’s gotten too much botox and can’t make any expressions with his lips! IT IS EFFING ANNOYING. anyways, that was a side rant. I really liked Ben Affleck as Batman. I like that they didn’t make Affleck change his voice during Batman dialogue, too, that they just used a voice box built into the suit – which just makes WAY more effing sense.

          3. I don’t know anything about the anime. When I saw the dream sequence, I noticed that the person telling him to do something at the end was one of the members of the Justice League (I’m pretty sure) so I honestly believe that whole thing was just a build up to future movies. Which brings me back to the plot issue – too many plot points! They could have set up future movies differently, instead of just throwing in that random dream sequence that was never mentioned again. And I didn’t take that as the FULL reason Batman went after Superman, but it aided in his belief that Superman was dangerous (because yeah, the city got destroyed and that was the end of Man of Steel). I didn’t understand Superman’s motives AT ALL though. Like, they made absolutely NO sense. He was just salty that the news didn’t like Superman so he tried to pin shit on Batman. It was childish to me.

          4. OK THAT is one of my main issues with TELEVISION AND MOVIES in general. When everything could be solved if the person just SPIT WHATEVER THEY NEED TO SAY OUT. Superman should have opened with “BATMAN I NEED YOUR HELP DON’T KILL ME!” -_- But nope, they needed a fight between Batman and Superman because really, the whole movie would be pointless if they didn’t fight at least once, so he held it in until ALL THE WAY at the end when Batman was about to kill him. UGH. It happens ALL the time!

          5. Wonder Woman was also just there to serve as a hint to future movies. You know how I feel about that point. But yes, she is getting her own movie (I’m like 90% sure on that, I don’t really follow DC movies that much).

          6. I’m on the fence about Lex Luther. He was a little over the top. I didn’t mind his age too much, but Eisenberg (spelling?) needed to tone it down JUST a bit. It still would’ve gotten the point across that he was crazy.

          6. Yeah, I didn’t hate nor love this movie. I’m somewhere in the middle. I think it MAINLY has to do with the plots. There are just too many to really form a solid opinion. I like Batman, hate Superman. It’s cool they introduced other movies, but they kind of just threw it together. I don’t know, it’s hard.

          BAM. I DID IT. Sorry for my numbered points, I had to organize myself to reply hahaha

          • Alisha 04/05/2016 at 10:26 am

            HAHAHA love the numbered points!

            1. I understand that it’s a new Batman so they feel like they need to re-explain his story, but still, 99% of the people in the theatre are there because they like Batman and/or Superman and know their stories. They could’ve used the extra 15 minutes to do something else with. All the sub-plots were definitely super distracting for me.

            2. LOL I TOTALLY AGREE ABOUT HIS MOUTH!!! I realized that when The Dark Knight Rises came out and I was like OMG EVAN WHERE ARE HIS TEETH?! It’s distracting for sure, and the voice thing is annoying too. He’s just the only Batman I’ve ever known. I promise to give Affleck a chance in future movies tho, lol.

            3. I agree that it wasn’t the full reason behind his hatred, however it’s not like Batman’s never destroyed anything while fighting bad guys. Football fields and tunnels and all kinds of things get blown up. Maybe not as many people die, but Batman isn’t perfect either. But I agree that Superman was being a bit of a whiny boy about not being liked, but I might feel the same way if I had previously saved the planet and now people wanted me gone, lol. Ugh, maybe if they woulda just FOCUSED ON ONE STORY LINE I WOULDNT BE SO CONFUSED ABOUT WHAT I FEEL AND WHAT’S GOING ON! They should have just taken a page out of Marvel’s book and had a scene at the end of the movie introducing the idea of the Justice League. Kept the computer files about the Flash and WW and Aquaman and all that but I didn’t like the dream sequences at all.

            4. I agree. From now on, all super heroes should just sit down and have a tea party and discuss things before acting. Bet you any money that Captain America and Iron Man won’t do that, BUT COULD TO PREVENT THEIR FIGHT! Lol but that’a a whole other story/rant/whatever.

            5. I don’t follow DC movies much either. But hopefully she does and it’s badass!

            6. I agree, I think if he would’ve toned it down a bit I wouldn’t have minded him as much. He just seemed way to over the top for me.

            7. It kinda feels like when a kid makes an art project for their parents. Random pieces of everything all glued/taped together to make one “pretty picture” … If that makes sense. I think if they would have left a couple things alone and focused more on a main plot it would’ve been received a lot better. BUT that’s just my opinion. Hopefully Aquaman, Wonder Woman and Justice League will be done better!

          • Molly 04/05/2016 at 4:39 pm

            1. Oh and what was up with him floating in the bat cave? Like….what? I am so confused. He can’t fly!

            2. HAHAHA RIGHTTTT?!?!!? His mouth is so strange. It’s the most distracting thing ever. I can’t even watch the movie without staring!

            3. True, I think Batman was just extra salty because his building got destroyed which meant his employees and shit died. BUT YES. They really should have just thrown the justice league stuff at the end. I mean, that in itself would have improved the movie greatly!

            4. 100% agree. Because, duh, talk shit out. Violence doesn’t solve everything. What are you trying to teach the children? THINK ABOUT THE CHILDREN! xD But, yeah, no, Cap and Iron Man will most likely NOT talk. But we’ll save that conversation for when the movie comes out and we can have another one of these numbered points reviews.
            5/6. I don’t really have anything to add because year, you said it.

            7. Exactly! I think they thought that had to show audiences EVERYTHING in order to compete with Marvel. But it didn’t work out that well.

            8. Yes, 8, I’m adding shit. I kind of like these numbered points with our conversations because our replies are alway so damn long that this totally helps keep things in order.

            9. YEP, A NINTH POINT. I just had an idea. We should see a movie around the same time. And talk like this and I can use it as a review! like a Molly & Alisha review X movie. Like a conversation review. I’ve seen people do it with books. I could be fun!

          • Alisha 04/06/2016 at 10:26 pm

            1. I KNOW RIGHT?! I THOUGHT THE SAME THING! I was like.. No… He’s not flying right? This isn’t secretly a movie about a hybrid superhero right? WTF IS GOING ON. Was that a dream sequence or did the bats magically carry him out of the cave?

            2. LOL I’ve tried talking without my teeth showing and just end up looking ridiculous – obviously – but I seriously don’t get it. Are his teeth super small? Or is his top lip super big? Or WHAT is going on?!

            3. Yeah! And I mean who wouldn’t be upset about employees dying and their building being destroyed but I don’t think I’d take on a personal vendetta against the alien who caused it, lol. Also. Side note. Do you think cities like Metropolis and Gotham and wherever have like… money set aside for whenever some super alien race (or whatever) tries to take over and the city gets destroyed to just rebuild it?

            4. EXACTLY. Instead of just flying off the handle and losing our shit, let’s stop and be logical for a second BEFORE WE GO ON A RAMPAGE AND TRY TO KILL PEOPLE. Or not. Your call Batman.

            5/6. 🙂 (I just had to keep the numbers going… lol)

            7. Yeah I agree. I don’t think they should try to compete with Marvel at all, if that was their intention, because they’ll lose. Just do you, DC.

            8. Add all the shit you want XD. I agree 🙂 From here on out we shall use numbered replies!

            9. DEAL! That would be so much fun!!! I’m SO in! I would high five you but there’s about 2,500 kms that separate us (give or take a few) (excuse my Canadian for not being able to translate that into miles) 😀

          • Molly 04/07/2016 at 9:16 am

            1. RIGHT? Seriously. I even asked Matt & he’s just like “idk” xD

            2. Ok. I’d love to see that. That’s hilarious! HE HAS TOO MUCH BOTOX. HE CAN’T MOVE HIS LIPS. That’s my story and I’m stickin to it

            3. I mean, he’s a “superhero” so maybe he thinks he has the means to stop him. So he goes for it ? Also, I think they’re all millions billions trillions of dollars in debt. Realistically, if anything like that ever happened, they wouldn’t be able to rebuild in time for another cataclysmic event to happen a year later. The city wouldn’t exist anymore. But that’s not good Hollywood.

            skippin 4, 5, 6 and 7 because, yeah, you know, you said it.

            8. BOOM CROSSIN OUT POINTS. DOING OUR THANG. We sum shit up and get shit done!

            9. YES. Next movie! Civil War? LETS DO IT. But like, we kind of have to tone down the paragraphs to make it make sense. So like, it should be a Instagram DM chat, so we’re limited to a number of characters xD lololol we talk too much. Also, excuse my American for not being able to traslate that to miles. GOOGLE SAVE US. It’s 1,605 miles. Which, ps, the plane ticket there is 288$ & is a 3 hour flight. SAY WHHHAAAA

          • Alisha 04/08/2016 at 9:16 am

            1. Hahahahaha maybe …. maybe they’ll explain it better if he gets another movie? Wait, does batman get another movie? Are we starting over with Batman again? WILL JARED LETO BE THE JOKER IN HIS FILMS?! Cause I’d be cool with that. Just sayin’.

            2. Bahahaha i’ll send a snapchat video one day of me and Evan trying to do it XD but yes WAY too much botox. Seriously. There should be a line you draw yourself if you’re getting botox. Idk if you’ve seen the movie Just Go With It with Adam Sandler and Jennifer Anniston but there’s a guy at the beginning of the movie who literally can’t move his face because of so much botox LOL that’s all I see/think of when people talk about getting botox.

            3. But he’s like Iron Man. He’s a guy with no super human powers, a kick ass suit, and a lot of money. If that were me, I honestly can’t say I wouldn’t at least pause and think about it before trying to kill a freakin alien. And yeah that’s what I was thinking lol. Like.. That’s what the stock market is for? Or something? We’ll just increase taxes again this year. No big deal.

            4,5,6,7,8. We = awesome. Bahahaha that should be our slogan. “The Soul Sisters and the Virgo Thing; we sum shit up and get shit done” and now we could be assassins for hire. Or bad lawyers. XD

            9. DEAL! SO MUCH DEAL! (that didn’t make sense but shhhh) Yes… we’ll totally have to tone it down. If we did it via email it would be WAY to long so IG it shall be. But I guarantee you it will still be long LOL. Are we going to make up a list of like… questions ahead of time? Or like, just discuss what we thought afterwards? Hahahahaha I was never good at conversion from kilometers to miles so we’ll just share the blame on this one 😛 Dude, that’s it? Maybe I’ll come see you this summer then! Cause spontaneous plane trips and drunken disneyland dates are my jam, you know?

          • Molly 04/08/2016 at 2:50 pm

            1. You know, I actually don’t know! Again, I don’t follow DC that much lol I don’t like Jared Leto xD BUT I haven’t seen him as The Joker so we’ll see.


            3. HAH I always say he’s basically Iron Man but with less personality xD But yeah, I wouldn’t take on a freaking alien that can ONLY BE KILLED by a stupid spear. Like what if he lost that spear ! Like he sort of did. He’s fucked. But whatever, do you, boo. Also, LOLOLOLOLOL love your explanation for how they pay for things


            9. hahhahha imagine if I just copied and pasted this shit into a review. People would be like WTF IS THIS SHIT. TL;DR xD I mean, I kind of like our natural flow of a conversation. It’s funnier that way. but maybe we can like jot down notes so that way, we kind of get SOME points across lol xD TOO MUCH PLANNING RUINS THINGS. ALSO YESYESYESYEYESYEYYESYESYESYEYSYSYYSYESYY SO MUCH YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I was telling my mom and Matt “if she lived here, we’d be inseparable” SO YESSSSSSS xD <33

          • Alisha 04/09/2016 at 9:11 pm

            1. Lol I’ve honestly never seen him in anything, I just like what I’ve seen from the trailer so far.

            2. Oh god, no way lol XD you could blackmail me forever with that, lol. Not that you would, I don’t think, but the option is always there ahahaha.

            3. Hahahah that’s what Evan says too!!! Iron Man is way cooler, not gonna lie. I definitely wouldn’t take it on either! Hahahahahaha WELL HOW DO THEY REBUILD THE CITIES SO DAMN FAST/OFTEN?!

            4-8. Hahahaha we’re crossin’ out numbers like it’s our day job.

            9. HAHAHAHA I would read that review XD It would probably be a little incoherant BUT it would be entertaining as hell. I guess we can try to structure it a little better LOL. Okay, no planning, just notes/comments/questions/whatever. Sounds good 🙂 AND I KNOW! LIKE WE WOULD LITERALLY JUST HAVE PUPPY PLAY DATES AND DRUNKEN DISNEY DATES AND LOTR MARATHONS ALL THE DAMN TIME!!!! One of us clearly needs to relocate 😉 <3

          • Molly 04/10/2016 at 11:41 am

            1. He was in Requiem for a Dream (of a dream? one of those things) also he was in that movie about AIDS that had Matthew MICK-CON-A-HAY (Idk how the fuck to spell his name, so sound it out ;P ) where he played a transvestite? I think? I don’t know. I just didn’t like it. Requiem is a decent movie about drugs, though.

            2. HAHAH I would post it on my blog, in the sidebar, so everyone could see. MUAHAHAHAHA jk<3 I wouldn't do that.

            3. lololol because that's what BATMAN IS. He's a monotone Iron Man xD

            4-8. Except now these numbers are just becoming the place for us to PRAISE OURSELVES because we're so WONDERFULLY AMAZING 🙂

            9. I don't know what's in Calgary, but isn't it like, full of motorcycles or something? ;p (btw, I'm totally kidding, I'm not that retarded)

          • Alisha 04/17/2016 at 11:12 am

            1. I haven’t seen either movie and I LOVE that you sound-spelled-out his name XD lol

            2. BAHAHa yeah definitely not happening. “And for an extra little random post today, here’s my internet bestie being a total MORON. Hope you all enjoy, and have a lovely day!”

            3. I agree. Iron Man FTW.

            4-8. SING IT SISTER. Lol we sound like assholes. But I mean come on. How awesome are we? XD

            9. LOL it’s not “full” of motorcycles. There’s just a lot in the summer because that’s the only time people can really ride them here. It’s a huge hobby because it can only be done for like 5-6 months out of the year, lol. All of Alberta (and probably most of Canada, or at least Western Canada) is like that.

          • Molly 04/18/2016 at 6:08 am

            1. lololol idk how to spell it, and I wanted to make sure you knew who I was talking about xD

            2. Be careful with your snapchats ;P

            3 – 8. BAM.

            9. I just know my mom has always wanted to go there because of some motorcycle thingy. I don’t know, she talks about it a lot. When we drove through there she wanted to stop and see if there were any motorcycles xD

          • Alisha 04/19/2016 at 4:06 pm

            1. Bahahaha definitely got the message XD

            2. I just sent you a beautiful face swap LOLOLOLOL

            3-8. Booooooooya!

            9. Mmmm, there’s probably like big bike meets or rides or tours or whatever. If she ever goes, you better come!

          • Molly 04/20/2016 at 5:44 am

            WOW. We just wrapped up NINE points. Go us!

          • Alisha 04/20/2016 at 10:47 am

            Again, if I could give you a high-five, I would!

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