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3 Reviews: Horror, Mystery, & Apocalypse

I read a couple books during my blogging hiatus. Not that many, just a few. I want to review them, however, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve read them and I can’t remember everything (my memory sucks). So, I thought the best solution is to do rapid fire reviews because essentially, it’s just going to be how I remember the book making me feel and less about the specifics. I have 3 books that I read during my hiatus, so here we go:



I listened to this one on audiobook and, to be honest, if I hadn’t I probably would have DNF’d it. It was very slow. I mean, slowww. At first I thought it was promising but as time went on and nothing really that creepy happened, I was getting bored. Also, the ending was super disappointing (I don’t want to spoil anything but if you’ve read this, how did you feel about that ending?)

It’s funny because, unintentionally, we also watched the movie The Turning while I was listening to this and that movie wasn’t any good either (They’re both inspired by the same source material). Maybe people should just leave the original alone.



This is book two of the Monument 14 trilogy. I reviewed that one here if you want to check it out. The trilogy is about a group of kids who have to survive in what is essentially a Walmart/Costco because of environmental disasters outside. Sky on Fire, however, takes some of the group out of the store to seek help and shit just hits the fan for them. I enjoyed where the story went with this one and I definitely want to read the next one. 

Side note, I think this book leans on younger YA for the most part. However, there is some cursing and sexual scenes (not graphic as far as I can remember).



I listened to the audiobook for this one but it took me forever. Not because I didn’t like it, just I wasn’t listening to audiobooks much. I think it took me about a year to actually finish this one, so take what I say with a grain of salt.

I really did enjoy this one! It kept me guessing – I couldn’t figure it out. I also felt sympathy for Rachel. She got the shit end of the stick and I just rooted for her to get out of her depression and alcoholism. The only issue I had (and this may come with taking a year to finish) is that I had a hard time keeping up with what POV I was listening to sometimes. It probably would have been easier reading it than listening to it.

Have you read any of these? Thoughts? 


  • Reply Anne - Books of My Heart 08/12/2020 at 11:29 am

    I also listened to Turn of the Key on audio. I can agree with your points. I did enjoy it much more than you. I was also frustrated by the ending.

  • Reply Sam@WLABB 08/12/2020 at 12:11 pm

    I remember reading Girl on the Train and I am glad you were sympathetic towards the MC. A lot of people hated her, but I felt bad for what she had been through. I found myself fully absorbed in that story and was quite surprised when I learned the truth.

    • Reply Molly's Book Nook 08/17/2020 at 11:38 am

      Really?! That actually surprises me that people didn’t like her. While her actions were frustrating, I appreciated how they addressed depression and alcoholism a bit. Then once I found out the truth I was like OK I GET IT NOW.

  • Reply Becky @ A Fool's Ingenuity 08/13/2020 at 9:15 am

    I’ve not read any of these books but I’ve been meaning to read Girl on the Train forever, basically since I heard about the film. I have no good excuse for not reading it already, laziness? It does sound like a good book, I think I might have to actually get it from the library and start reading.

    • Reply Molly's Book Nook 08/17/2020 at 11:39 am

      Give it a try! I listened to the audiobook so it may be a bit different from reading it, but I enjoyed it!

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