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Brother: A Tame Disappoinment

»« This will be quick because I just don’t have that much to say about it. With how much people talked about this book being gory or fucked up, I really expected more. Maybe I just watch too many horror movies, or listen to too much…

The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires: N.O.

♥♥♥ What the fuck did I just read? Y’all, this book. The first half and the second half gave me wildly different feels. I’ll try my best with this review but don’t get your hopes up. The first half was a great start. A…

The Anomaly: Darkness, Monsters, & Conspiracies

This book had been sitting on my shelf since my very first Book of the Month box. I’ve actually never read any of my BOTM choices (I know, I’m terrible), but I can say that I am thoroughly pleased that this was the first…

Horrid: Everything I Disliked, I Also Liked

I fall pretty solidly in the middle for this book. I didn’t love it or  hate it, it’s just a decent book. What I find interesting about my opinion is that things I like, I also didn’t like. There was a positive and negative…

Mexican Gothic: So Disappointing

Opposite of my last review, this is for a book I did not like and will probably be very short. Frankly, I just don’t have a lot to say about it. . . I should start off by saying that I listened to the…

The Haunting of Hill House: What A Bore (30 Before 30)

Book 3 in the 30 Books Before 30 Challenge I am doing with Milana from A Couple Reads! I wasn’t a fan of the Netflix show but after reading this book, I may need to reconsider that opinion. Honestly, this may be one of…

Alone: Simple Thriller w/ a Great Ending!

This is a YA thriller that will be very hard for me to review without spoiling things! I’ll try my best! For starters, the synopsis leaves out some of the more ‘spooky‘ details of this book so to give a little more insight to…

The Wicked & The Damned: A Horror Sci-Fi Mixed Bag

This book is based in the Warhammer 40k universe, which if you don’t know, is a tabletop game but also has some really great lore. I’ll start off by saying that I don’t think that you really need to know anything about Warhammer in…

The Dead House by Dawn Kurtagich // A dark story up to interpretation

This book is incredibly difficult to review, especially in my traditional sectioned format. So, I’m scrapping that and I’m just going to dive into my thoughts. The novel is written in a format similar to Illuminae. It’s a collection of journal entries, interviews, transcribed…

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