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Authorly Love: Type X by M.A. Phipps

Here is a review of M.A. Phipps’ newest book Type X, the second book in her Project W.A.R. series 🙂 Check out my other posts about M.A. Phipps! An interview with the lovely M.A. Phipps + enter to win a Kindle e-book of both…

Authorly Love: Ultraxenopia by M.A. Phipps (repost)

Originally published on 4/9/2016. I’m reposting this in order to share it with you for my Authorly Love feature! This is BOOK ONE of the Project W.A.R. series by M.A. Phipps! You can read my interview with her & enter the giveaway to win…

Kindred Spirits: A Quick Chat About Fandoms

Kindred Spirits was a very short and sweet story about one girl’s love of Star Wars. What I loved about it wasn’t necessarily the story or the characters, which were both fine, but what I loved was that it got me thinking about fandoms,…

Kaleidoscope Hearts by Claire Contreras // A Toxic Romance

Pre-Warning*: This book, to me, contains aspects of a toxic, possessive, & abusive relationship. *I will be including this section in reviews of books that I think contain sensitive material that may be upsetting to some so you can decide whether to continue reading.…

Bloggin’ On The Go: My 6 Must-Have Apps

We spend a hell of a lot of time on our phones. We all want to stay connected with each other at all times, constantly checking Instagram and Twitter for the latest news. Sure, we all have Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and Goodreads on our…

Authorly Love: Introducing M.A. Phipps (Giveaway!)

Welcome to the first post of my newest feature: Authorly Love! If you missed my announcement post about this feature, let me give a brief explanation. Every month I’m going to feature an author throughout that month, shining a spotlight on their work with…

5 Steps to Create Graphics with Canva

Hello, friends! Last week I discussed some of my favorite blog design resources that I use almost every time I design a new graphic. So, I thought I’d continue that theme and actually talk about how I use Canva to design my featured images for…

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