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Ships That Never Sailed but I Wanted Them To

Hey, guess what, in case you haven’t noticed it’s Valentine’s Day! Today’s the day we celebrate love. To me, that means all kinds of love. The love we have for our spouses, our boyfriends and girlfriends, our best friends, our parents, and everyone else in our lives that we love dearly.

However, instead of celebrating love in this post, I’m sharing all the ships I had that just never sailed. You know, the two characters I hoped so much would get together but they never did. Yeah, let’s talk about the love that never happened.

This could be a little spoiler-ish because of obvious reasons. If you don’t mind finding out who characters don’t end up with, carry on! If you care, proceed with caution. I’ll be using the title of the book as the headlines as to give you a chance to skip over any you don’t want to read.

The Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo

Yeah, I’m just going to get this one out of the way because I’m pretty sure we all know who I’m talking about. I don’t really want to say it just in case some of you haven’t read it and have no idea what I’m talking about. It might affect the whole reading experience for you.

To those that have read this, guys, you know who I’m talking about. We all wanted this to go a different way and I will forever be salty over this one.

The Young Elites Trilogy by Marie Lu pt 1

Ok, this one is a bit odd and maybe a bit problematic, so don’t hate me but … I was shipping Adelina and Teren. Enzo who? Maggiano who? I was all about Adelina embracing her evil side and pairing up with someone just as evil, Teren.

I know, I know, they didn’t exactly have a healthy relationship throughout the novel. So, if it ended the same way it might have been a bit of a romanticization of abusive relationship – but just imagine if, like I said, she just embraced how evil she was 100%.

The Young Elites Trilogy by Marie Lu pt 2

Don’t worry, I didn’t hang Enzo out to dry.

I was rooting for Enzo and Raffaele. Honestly, I was pretty convinced that they would get together because of several scenes that were pretty darn sensual between the two – or maybe that was just me.

Either way, I was nearly 100% convinced they would end up together by the end and I was pretty let down when it never happened.

The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer

Cinder and Thorne. Cinder and Thorne. Cinder and Thorne. Cinder and Thorne. Cinder and Thorne. Why were they never together?

Maybe it was because I absolutely detested Cress but loved Thorne that I just wanted to see him with someone else. Could you imagine Cinder and Thorne together, though? They’re both headstrong but Thorne would balance out Cinder’s seriousness. I just loved imagining them ending up together.

The 100 (TV Show)

I’m sure you guys can guess this one: Bellamy and Clarke. The fact that I even want Clarke to end up with anyone is saying something because I can’t stand the chick.

I also was not a fan of the Clarke and Lexa relationship. I never felt the chemistry with them. I know, you’re probably asking “What?! How?!” I don’t know, I just didn’t. But with Bellamy and Clarke I did and I want the damn thing to happen already.


Harry Potter Series (Movies)

Please don’t hate me but Ron and Hermione should not be the end-game here. I never read the books before watching the movies so my soul was crushed when I watched Ron and Hermione get together. Harry and Hermione are obviously the better OTP.

Or you know who else would have been even more interesting to see than Hermione and Ron, Hermione and Draco.

Just not Hermione and Ron. Ok, I just keep typing Hermione because her name is so fun. Hermione, Hermione, Hermione, why did you end up with Ron?

Ps; Rowling has totally said that Ron and Hermione should have ended up together, so win.

The Marvel Universe

This is more for the movies because I haven’t read a lot of the comic books but the Captain America movie definitely convinced me that Captain America and the Scarlet Witch need to be together.

This is actually a ship that other people have. You can even google fan art of it. I need this, guys. I need it in the movie! Not this Steve Rogers and Sharon Carter nonsense that literally had no development and left me feeling nothing with their kiss. Oh, but the looks Cap gives Wanda during the meeting and in her bedroom? That’s convincing!

Game of Thrones (TV Show)

There are a lot of people to ship in this show but one that stands out the most for me is Dany and Jorah. Jorah is older than Dany but he’s so genuine in his feelings for her. He actually loves her and I just wish it would become a thing already.

Other GoT couples that I ship:
– Brienne & Jamie: Because it’s obvious.
– Jon & Sansa: I probably shouldn’t have shipped this one but I totally did when they View Spoiler ». If only they weren’t siblings, I’d be all over this one.
– Sansa & Margaery: Could you imagine if they became the queens together? Yeah, pretty cool.
– The Hound & just anyone, please: because I oddly feel bad for this guy and want him to find happiness.

Doctor Who

The 10th Doctor and Rory were everything to me. I so wish there was an actual love story in Doctor Who (I haven’t watched the newest seasons) because I would have been so happy to see them together.

But nope. Nope, it’s gotta be all sorts of complicated. The Doctor always has to have platonic relationships. UGH.

But it has to be with Rory and the 10th Doctor. I wasn’t a fan of Matt Smith, or Rose. Don’t hate me.

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Saved an oldie for the last. This was one of my first ships I ever had and it didn’t even happen. How depressing!

I was never team Peeta. I was all about team Gale. Then the movies came out and it just solidified that opinion. Peeta just complained so much and was more of a forced relationship that eventually became something. Gale, however, had been with her all her life. He’d helped take care of her family, stuck by her side, knew her more than Peeta did, and he basically got treated like crap by Katniss. Screw Peeta.

What are some ships that you wanted to happen? Do you agree with any of these? Do you have any that maybe you SHOULDN’T ship but you can’t help yourself?


  • Reply Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog 02/14/2017 at 6:41 am

    Team Gale all the way 🙂

  • Reply Angela 02/14/2017 at 6:44 am

    What a great list! When I read The Lunar Chronicles, I never pictures Cress and Thorne together, either. I mean, it was obvious they would get together, but I kept picturing Cress as a 12 year old girl, so it just felt awkward with Thorne.
    And I totally agree with Dany/Jorah. Yes, he was kind of a spy, but he really did fall in love with her. I think Dany was really immature when it came to Jorah.
    I actually liked Ron/Hermione, though. I appreciated that Hermione and Harry could just be friends.

    • Reply Molly 02/17/2017 at 6:49 pm

      Right? I just didn’t like Cress at all. Meh.

      I am so sad Dany & Jorah never got together. I feel so bad for him!

      That’s true about Harry and Hermione, I just still don’t like Ron with her lol

  • Reply Holly (nutfreenerd) 02/14/2017 at 7:17 am

    YES YES YES. TEAM GALE ALL THE WAY. I’ve always felt like I’m the only one on his side, so it’s awesome to know that there are others out there who feel the same way haha. Also, I completely agree about Rory and the Doctor because they had the best chemistry. Happy Valentine’s Day! <3

    • Reply Molly 02/17/2017 at 6:49 pm

      OMG A THIRD GALE SHIPPER. I was beginning to think I was alone! THERE ARE AT LEAST 4 OF US NOW hahahah

  • Reply Mahriya 02/14/2017 at 7:21 am

    Yes, Yes and YES! I don’t think Harry and Hermoine should have got together because I adored them just being friends. BUT DRACO AND HERMOINE. OMG. They were perfect for each other! Oh and I am so with you on Katniss and GALE! Like Peeta was just some interfering, whiny annoying person who hated Katniss to bits at one point.Gale was sooo much better!

    • Reply Molly 02/17/2017 at 6:48 pm

      Draco and Hermione would have been SO INTERESTING right? AND YAY! ANOTHER Gale shipper! You’re the second one hahahah

  • Reply Tasya @ The Literary Huntress 02/14/2017 at 7:36 am

    Totally agree with grisha trilogy. No matter who you ship Alina with, none of us wanted her to ended up with who she ended up with. And yes to Dramione! Or mayber Harry and Hermione, but not Ron and Hermione. Ron can be really mean sometimes, and I don’t think he can challenge Hermione (in a good way) you know? OMG JORAH AND DAENERYS. I feel really bad for Jorah, he’s like the ultimate friendzone (protector zone?) ever. I mean if you consider how old he is, it is creepy, but he truly cares for Daenerys, anything he did is for Dany’s interest. Amazing post Molly!

    • Reply Molly 02/17/2017 at 6:47 pm

      hahahahha that’s probably VERY true lol (about Grisha)

      That’s also true of Ron not being able to challenge Hermione. I actually never really thought of it that way, but that’s probably why I didn’t like them. Don’t mean to insult Ron, but Hermione is so intelligent and really does need someone to challenge her.

      Jorah IS the ultimate FRIENDZONE. It’s so sad!

  • Reply Nina Lannister 02/14/2017 at 7:43 am

    but I’m a Malina sorry not sorry
    Galeniss ALL THE WAY!

    • Reply Molly 02/17/2017 at 6:37 pm

      YES. I LIKE “JORAHNNY” (I also like that nickname lol).
      And I was just about to say “oh cradle-robber” to your Sandor & Sansa ship then realized the hypocrisy of that because of Jorahnny hahahahah oops. There WERE hints in the books huh?! i just kind of realized that xD

      AND OMG YES. FINALLY. Everyone has been commenting on here how they hate Gale. ONE GALE SHIPPER YAY!

      • Reply Nina Lannister 02/17/2017 at 9:11 pm

        thanks <3
        yes they are hints in the book.
        gale all the way!
        could be Jorany o Jorahny jeje

  • Reply mikaela @ thewellthumbedreader 02/14/2017 at 9:38 am

    Haha, I only agree with you on Enzo and Raffaele. I was so deflated when Enzo said nothing had happened between them in TYE. ? And what little I watched of The 100, I didn’t ship Clexa too much either. I loved Bellarke. I ship Romione and Katniss and Peeta though. ? Dramione is my biggest NOTP.

    • Reply Molly 02/17/2017 at 6:32 pm

      It seemed like they had ALREADY been together, right?! LIKE WHAT? They should have ended up together 100%. (Enzo & Raff)

      It looks like I’m the only Katniss and Gale shipper lololol

  • Reply Michelle 02/14/2017 at 8:59 pm

    I was also a Cinder/Thorne shipper!! They had their flirty moments, so we’re not crazy to be wanting that to be a thing. Also, BLAH Cress. I don’t like her either. And OMG NO to Ron/Hermione!! I don’t like it at all. I’m a Luna/Harry shipper– but Draco/Hermione is SO intriguing. A lot would have had to happen to make that happen, but it could have been really interesting. AND sorry but TEAM PEETA FOREVER!!!

    • Reply Molly 02/17/2017 at 6:30 pm

      RIGHT? Idk I just thought they would be cuter! I’m not a huge Luna fan so…meh hahah Draco and Hermione would be super intriguing though. It would have to be kind of like a Draco redemption arc? I guess? lol It would be interesting!

  • Reply Ali (@ thebandarblog) 02/15/2017 at 5:18 am

    LOL uh-oh, I literally just got done typing a rant about why I hate Gale in someone else’s post about a similar topic. I am just going to copy and paste that one here: OMG don’t even get me started on Gale and Katniss (too late, I got started XD) – I am such an anti-Gale person. I get really worked up talking about it, BECAUSE HE WAS A HUGE A-HOLE. I mean, she freaking goes through this HORRIBLE experience (the hunger games), comes home and has PTSD amongst a million other psychological scars from the experience, and Gale’s over there being a whiny bitch about it. “wahhhhhh you acted like you loved Peeta wahhhhh what about me.” I wanted to kick him in the nuts and tell him to act like the man he was supposed to be and get the EFF over it because when did he just have to kill other children FOR ENTERTAINMENT?!?
    Phew. Okay. Rant over. Man he just really ticked me off in that series.

    • Reply Molly 02/17/2017 at 6:29 pm

      OK someone JUST told me why they hated Gale for similar reasons as you before this post went up (but after I wrote it). I AGREE with those points. HOWEVER, I still hate Peeta. hahaha I agree that he was a little selfish when it came to getting all sorts of grumpy about the kiss but like….Peeta was just even more annoying for me. It also doesn’t help that the movies just make him look like even more of a wuss in my eyes >.< hahahah I CAN'T HELP IT. Like, I agree with you, but I also disagree because I still prefer Gale lol I make no sense.

      • Reply Ali (@ thebandarblog) 02/18/2017 at 5:50 am

        Lol. Fair enough! You don’t have to like the (obvious) choice (; But yeah, Peeta was definitely wussy – not the “typical man” we want our BA female protagonist to have!

        • Reply Molly 02/18/2017 at 2:27 pm

          hahahah “obvious” psh, whatevz

  • Reply Yasmine @ Swissbookworm 02/16/2017 at 5:32 am

    YES to Cap and Wanda!!! They would be like the greatest couple in the MCU (okay except Peggy Carter and Daniel Sousa which is probably one of my biggest ships in the MCU ever, but yet, there are so many so who knows :P). I need this to happen in Infinite War!!!

    And my heart breaks every time a little more when a season’s over and we’re still left without Bellarke :// I wasn’t a fan of Clexa either, although I think Lexa is a great character. But no. BELLAMY!!! 😀

    • Reply Molly 02/17/2017 at 6:26 pm

      I’m not too familiar with all the characters & couples and what not in the MCU >.< My knowledge doesn't extend past the movies & the Civil War comics (those are the only once I read) hahah BUT I STILL WANT CAP AND WANDA. Have you seen the FAN ART ?!?!?

      Agree! Like Lexa wasn't terrible, I just REALLY wanted Bellamy and Clarke lol

  • Reply Mel @thedailyprophecy 02/18/2017 at 5:56 am

    Shadow and Bone, I’m still not over this. I CAN’T STAND THE GUY SHE CHOOSE.
    I had a moment where I also shipped Cinder/Thorne, because he brings out a different side in her, but at the same time I really like Cinder/Kai too.
    I’m also for Gale.

    • Reply Molly 02/18/2017 at 2:27 pm

      I don’t think ANYONE can stand the guy she chose hahaha

      I just never fell in love with Kai? BUT I still haven’t read Winter, so who knows?

  • Reply Annie 04/29/2017 at 6:17 am

    Why did nobody mention that Gale was the reason Prim died, Peeta was always supportive of Katniss except that one time he was hijacked, yeah he couldn’t help that. Peeta truly loved Katniss and didn’t beg her to love him back unlike Gale Fail, Gale is an asshole, there’s no way around that plus Peeta would calm her and he was kind and can make Katniss less…cold-like. Also, Ima despise Ronmione with my life. Those two suck together, I’m DEFINITELY not a Dramione shipper but I’m a huge Harmione shipper. HIGH FIVE BRUH!!!

    • Reply Molly 04/30/2017 at 5:35 pm

      hahah I mean, I agree that Gale had a hand in Prim dying. but I still just really couldn’t stand Peeta. So, let’s meet somewhere in the middle and say neither of them lol

      OK, so it’s not just me that doesn’t like Ron and Hermione together! hahah it’s such a weird mix to me.

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