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The Shannara Chronicles Season 1 // More Demons, please

The Shannara Chronicles season 1 ended last week with a 10-episode run. I originally reviewed the premiere episode and thought it would be fun to talk about what I thought of the entire season and see what you guys thought as well! So, here we are.

shannarachroniclesShannara definitely isn’t flawless, but it’s not too bad. I found myself looking forward to the next week’s episode. That wasn’t because of the thought-provoking storyline or gripping character development, but because it was just a fun show. Simple as that. The story was constantly moving. Each episode brought them somewhere new, showing a little bit more of the world and the people that lived in it.

I mean, they even hiked the Pass of Caradhras and went through the Mines of Moria. Oh, wait, I mean they took a shortcut through a snowy, windy pass to Pykon, an elven fortress built into a mountain.shannarahipster
Oh, and they went to a rave at a hipster colonial settlement.

All to destroy the One Ring in the heart of Mount Doom. No, damn it, I mean to make it to the Bloodfire to be told that Amberle needs to become…a tree?

The storytelling was lacking a bit, but hey, it got it’s point across.

But now I’m just making this show sound kind of silly. Seriously, though, it was a pretty good show. There were a few times that I couldn’t help but roll my eyes, but most of the time, I found myself hooked.

MTV did a decent job of taking a classic epic fantasy and making it appealing to the young adult genre craze. With  a first season that did a lot (not all) of the explaining and world building, there is a huge potential for a second season. 

My guess? The man in the mask is going to be someone very important (duh), Wil is going to save Eretria, Bandon is the new “demon leader” and is going to somehow release more demons, and there’s no way in hell that MTV will not bring back Amberle. If they don’t, I owe you all a high five 😉

If it’s renewed for season two, this is what I want to see:

More use of Allanon – I mean, come on, he’s the most badass character on the show and he was incredibly underused. He just kind of showed up to share a bit of wisdom, fight a few bad guys and use some magic. (He was like Shannara’s Gandalf). He was even the one to kill the Dagda Mor – come on people, let’s get it together!

More variety of demons – Every leaf was supposed to represent the release of a demon. Which it did. But it was like a demon-clone army and I just wanted MORE. There were 3 varieties. A changeling, the reaper and the army. GIVE. ME. MORE. DEMONS.shannarademon

Well, we did get two of those →

A better love story – Before I found out that Ander was Amberle’s uncle, I was totally rooting for them (ya know, the like 10 minutes I had before they revealed the relationship). Then I thought maybe Crispin would last a bit longer. But nope, we’re stuck with Wil. Unfortunately. And even that love triangle was a tad confusing and unconvincing.

Overall, though, I enjoyed this show even with all of it’s super awkward teenage romance, LOTR similarities and questionable costumes. I’m really hoping it is renewed for a season two because, my goodness, I think it can only go up from here!bookrev (5)

What did you guys think of season 1? 
What would you want out of a second season? 


  • Reply Greg Hill 03/07/2016 at 9:45 am

    Nice to hear this was worth watching! I seriously had my doubts, the first few weren’t bad but I got watching other stuff… but every once in a while I’d see a thing for it and go oh, yeah I should be watching that. 🙂 I’ll have to catch up now that I’m almost up to date on Orphan Black. LOL about Caradhras/ Moria… and a hipster rave? THAT I have to see. Crispin I don’t know (although I read this book eons ago and the name is familiar)- isn’t he like a ranger type dude? Anyway… glad this turned out good. and yeah they need to use lots of Allanon, he’s awesome.

    • Reply Molly 03/08/2016 at 7:01 am

      Ok, well, it’s not like the BEST show on television, but I think it’s fun and entertaining. There were some laughable moments – like the rave xD – so it’ll be interesting what you think about that episode! Crispin is like their guard or something, but I just thought he’d be a little bit more important to the show. Oh well. I’m curious to see what route they’ll go if there is a season 2!

  • Reply Yasmine @ Swissbookworm 03/07/2016 at 2:21 pm

    I was thinking about starting this series but I still had my doubts so I kept my hands from it so far. I’m still not sure if I want to watch it, but great review! 🙂 I was thinking maybe I should read the books first. Have you by chance read them?

    • Reply Molly 03/08/2016 at 7:03 am

      It’s not the most amazing show ever, but I enjoyed it. So maybe if you’re bored, watch one episode and see what you think 🙂 Also, no I have not read the books. The show is based on the second book in the original trilogy. No news yet if there will be a season 2, but if there is, I think they’ve now deviated from the books. (Since I haven’t read them, I could be wrong, that is just something I read somewhere lol)

      Also, the original trilogy doesn’t follow all the same characters. Each book is a new generation. So that’s another reason I think they are probably not going to follow the books if there is a season 2.

      • Reply Yasmine @ Swissbookworm 03/09/2016 at 2:08 pm

        Okay 🙂 I’ll definitely check it out soon 🙂 Teen Wolf just ended so I’ve got a spot open :p

        • Reply Molly 03/10/2016 at 6:07 am

          hahah A couple of my shows are ending soon so now I’m making room for new shows! I really want to watch Black Sails!

          • Yasmine @ Swissbookworm 03/10/2016 at 1:11 pm

            I think I’ve heard of it, but it’s not something high on my list. I finally want to watch the 5th season of Once Upon A Time and I’ve been meaning to watch Suits and Heroes for a looooong time but never found the time for it.

          • Molly 03/11/2016 at 7:31 am

            Ah, yeah, it’s a pirate show. I’ve been in the mood for pirates. I’m a little behind with OUAT. I’m in the “black swan” season!

          • Yasmine @ Swissbookworm 03/12/2016 at 5:19 am

            That’s the last season I’ve seen 😛 So we both have some catching up to do :p

          • Molly 03/13/2016 at 6:06 am

            I think I have like 13 episodes recorded on my DVR xD

          • Yasmine @ Swissbookworm 03/13/2016 at 1:07 pm

            Nice 🙂 I’ll have to watch it on the Internet

  • Reply darcy h. 03/08/2016 at 3:36 am

    I thought Shannara was a little ridiculous, but in a good entertaining way if that makes sense? There were so many high fantasy and YA tropes that I was left in slight disbelief! I definitely want more Allanon and I feel you on the Ander thing! I was like, “Oh this guy seems like he’ll make a nice love interest. Wait. He’s her uncle. Oops.” Also, why would anyone fall in love with Wil when Allanon was around? 😛

    • Reply Molly 03/08/2016 at 7:05 am

      Yeah! That’s exactly what I thought about it – but it was just fun and entertaining, so I liked it. I didn’t go in expecting too much from it so that probably helped. Also, YES! I’m glad I’m not alone on the Ander thing! I totally thought that was going to be her love interest! And, seriously, why Wil? I dislike him. lol More Allanon!

  • Reply Rissi 03/12/2016 at 12:10 pm

    I haven’t watched more of this… (I KNOW, very uncool ;D) but was curious enough to return. Hopefully… someday. 😉

    • Reply Molly 03/13/2016 at 6:07 am

      When you do, let me know what you think! 🙂

  • Reply Alice - The Geeky Burrow 03/15/2016 at 10:24 am

    It’s all New Zealand’s scenery fault if the TV shows reminds us LOTR…just kidding, I found those similarities too 😀

    I have read the books yet, but I actually enjoyed the show and I agree with you, because “it was just a fun show”! Give me more Manu Bennet and I’ll be happy…YES to more Allanon!! <3

    • Reply Molly 03/16/2016 at 5:47 am

      hahaha true! But I don’t even think they used a lot of the best scenery of New Zealand. LOTR definitely utilized the most beautiful spots lol

      I haven’t read the books either, but I still liked the show. I may read them someday but they’re so long and I’m already reading A Song of Ice and Fire — so I’ll wait haha xD & yes, MORE ALLANON!

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