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Shipped: A Heart-Warming, Geeky YA Contemporary

♥♥♥ This book is promoted as perfect for fans of Geekerella and if that ain’t the truth, I don’t know what is. Seriously, if you enjoyed Poston’s Geekerella, you’ll love this book! But it is not a carbon copy, there are differences that make…

Geekerella: A Cute, Fandom Filled Retelling

This review is going to be short and sweet, just like the book! Geekerella has been on my shelf for so long. I don’t know why it took me so long to read it – it was adorable. I think it was because I…

By Your Side by Kasie West // Cute, Fluffy, & Perfect

This is not the best-written review because of gushing, okay. By Your Side is an easy read with just the right amount of cutesy fluff that I needed during my slump. At first, I was a bit worried about this book because the synopsis…

We All Looked Up by Tommy Wallach // I Don’t Like John Green, Sorry

*Content Warning:  This novel read like a book written by John Green. Let me explain. This isn’t an action packed sci-fi/end-of-the-world story. It’s more of a character study. There’s a lot of soul-searching and a lot of pretentious writing – like John Green.  Disclaimer:…

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