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4 Tips To Save Time Blogging


We spend a lot of time blogging, so I figured I’d share some of the ways I try to save time with mine. On top of some of the obvious ones, like try to get rid of distractions (we all know that rarely works), these are some more practical ones that can assist in the organization and time spent on your blog. Enjoy!

Use a calendar


I use a calendar plugin within my blog’s dashboard. I’m able to add posts quickly, drag and drop if I want to change the date, and take a quick look at what I have planned for weeks to come. This is what works for me, but find what works for you. Some people like third-party websites/apps, some people like to have a physical planner. Whatever it is, have a calendar to write out a quick guide of the upcoming week’s posts. This will save you anytime you spend freaking out over what topic to write about that day or week since you’ve already laid out the topics!

Some options:

Schedule posts ahead of time

I set aside a bulk of time to write out several posts and then schedule them. So, technically, that’s not saving time but it allows me to spend the rest of the week not freaking out about what I’m posting. It’s more of an organizational tool and something to keep me sane.

I know a lot of you guys don’t schedule posts ahead of time, but keep in mind you don’t have to schedule weeks ahead. I usually do a few days to a week ahead. Try it out, keeping to just a few days out, and see how it goes for you!

Write down ideas as you have them


Always write down blog post ideas as they come to you. Don’t wait till later, do it right when it hits you. BUT do try to keep them organized. It’s not much help to you if you write them down on old receipts then lose the receipt. Most of us have our phones on us at all times, so download an app to keep it all together.

Some options:

create templates

I’ve mentioned this one several times in the past, but it is a time-saving tool! I use a WordPress plugin to create mine, but it doesn’t matter how you do it. If you have a type of post that uses the same basic structure, create a template for it. This way you don’t have to create the layout every single time you write that type of post.

Some options:


How do you save time blogging?

Do you use any of the tips I included? 


  • Reply Mahriya 12/08/2016 at 9:04 am

    Loved this! I usually use my Bullet Journal for things like jotting down blog ideas and a calendar! Templates is one I’ve never really thought about it, but it actually sounds like a genius idea! Maybe I could make one for book reviews… And concerning scheduling, I mostly do schedule. Reason being that I always have ONE long peice of spare time in the week. I then write all my posts and CAN relax! But sometimes, that doesn’t go to plan and I’m rushing about everyhwere.

    • Reply Molly 12/09/2016 at 6:42 am

      I tried a bullet journal earlier this year and completely failed. I liked it but I think I’m too much of an organized freak that I was bothered that it didn’t start from January 1st lol I might give it another shot for 2017. I use templates for book reviews & wrapups since they’re always structured the same. It also comes in handy if you do any weekly memes, I used to use them for those as well. Also, I do the same as you! The sitting down & writing everything for the week. I rarely do small bursts of blogging.

  • Reply Tracy 12/08/2016 at 12:23 pm

    Great tips! I definitely prefer to schedule posts ahead of time whenever I can. The templates sound great too! Too bad those don’t exist for Blogger… Thanks for sharing this!

    Tracy @ Cornerfolds

    • Reply Molly 12/09/2016 at 6:38 am

      You can definitely do templates without a plugin. Just use word or like Wendy above said, create a draft that has the mock template in it & just copy and paste! 🙂

  • Reply Wendy @ Falconer's Library 12/08/2016 at 7:40 pm

    A couple of variations on what you suggest:

    When I have a blog post idea, I open up a new post and either write the title, or put a link in the body, or whatever I need to do to remember the thought. I can save that to draft, and then when I have time to write, it’s there. Also, I make my own psuedo templates in Blogger. I took a written post in a format I want to use again (a meme, a review, etc.) and copy and paste it into a new post. Then I deleted all the content, but left the headings and framework pieces in. I keep that as a draft, and when I want to write one of those posts, I copy/paste that framework into a NEW draft, and take it from there.

    • Reply Molly 12/09/2016 at 6:37 am

      I do the same with the blog post ideas! It’s actually why I use the calendar plugin I use because it allows a quick add w/ notes & a drag and drop method to quickly change it up. & that method for templates is perfect for people who use Blogger!

  • Reply Puput @ Sparkling Letters 12/08/2016 at 11:58 pm

    Great post Molly! 😀 I personally find that drafting post ahead of time is really helpful! Not only to save time but it saves me when I don’t have the mood for blogging. I type up post as soon as I have the time and idea <3 I also write down ideas as soon as I have them in mind. I have this blogging notebook where I store my idea but I don't bring it everywhere, so I usually use evernote on my phone and then move them to my notebook because it's easier to keep track there hehe and I use google calendar for scheduling 🙂

    • Reply Molly 12/09/2016 at 6:36 am

      You’re definitely organized! Probably more so than me lol I don’t use Google Calendar, I tried but I found I didn’t pay attention to it xD When you outline, do you do a full outline? Like main talking points and structure, or just some general notes?

  • Reply Lauren @ Wonderless Reviews 12/09/2016 at 9:29 pm

    Such a great post, Molly! I love the idea of keeping a calendar. I really need to work on scheduling posts, like 10% of my posts are scheduled haha. I’m probably the most disorganised blogger ever ??

    • Reply Molly 12/10/2016 at 6:17 am

      hahah I may have posts scheduled but I’m pretty unorganized too. I’ll wait to write posts or I just forget completely. Or I start on a post I’ve planned and end up not wanting to write it. BUT having a calendar does help SO much

  • Reply Liselle @ Lunch-Time Librarian 12/10/2016 at 12:32 pm

    I am definitely going to use that editorial calendar! Finally getting back into blogging and that would be so helpful to have it right on wordpress and get draft posts in there and stuff. Thanks for the tips!! My goal is one post a week so I’m hoping a calendar will help.

    • Reply Molly 12/15/2016 at 6:04 am

      Yay! I like having the calendar within wordpress more than anywhere else. I never remember to check planners or third-party calendars. So having it when I am working on my blog, within my blog, is 100% easier.

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